1) lighting - What type? Tubes/bulb life span? Distance from said sps?
2MH 20k + 2 t8s bulb around 2mths, distance around 1 1/2 feet.
2) Ca/kH/Mg readings (how constant are these)
i dont have tester for these =X
3) no3/po4 readings (I'm assuming the basics for ammonia and nitrite are taken care of)
no prob, no3 is 10ppm
4) water temp? How constant?
I set my chiller @ 26~27 i'm not sure how constant is it.
5) salinity?
6) water movement - enough movement around the said sps? (do u see polyp extension)
polyp meaning the hair? if so, its hairy. haha
7) what type of freshwater top up are you using? Is TDS reading zero?
i top up with salt water. made by tap water added with declorine
8) are you using CR/dosing pump or manual dosing?
not dosing anything
9) how frequent is your water change? How many %?
Every week around 15%
okay, meaning ive to get test kit for Ca/kH/Mg, stop using tap water and get a CR? or dose manually?
a quick question, isnt changing water adding the elements needed back into the tank as well?
I dose Gdbye p04 everyweek. using tetra for no2 no3 and topice marine tester for po4, can these be trusted?
Thanks people