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Everything posted by JizzHut

  1. okay thanks marco, think i better stick to topic marine after i finish my h20 salt.
  2. uv light - $25 Lightset 3 ft 2x 150w with 4 pl bulbs - $100 Anemone shrimp - $6 fat and healthy Pictures will be added tonight
  3. where can i read more about prodibio and zeovit? Can please direct me ? Btw what salt do most of SPS keepers use?
  4. woah how did you train your mandrian to eat pellets?
  5. woah! nice whats the colour of the first one ?
  6. hey guys, i transfered my "melting BT" to another tank yesterday and this morning it seems fine and opening like normal again BUT few mins ago its back to the melting state again.. how come?
  7. Hmm thanks maybe that's how my sps madi
  8. hi guys, do i have to direct the wave maker @ the sps 24/7 or only need to do it a certian of hours? and and how many hours do you normally on if youre using mh lights?
  9. okay thanks people. i'm going to remove it now
  10. i tried to get rid of that red thing by siphoning it but didnt work at all =\
  11. is my GBT melting? and is this the so called red slim? how do i remove it?
  12. okay.. i'm abit late to read this, pour 5ml of GdbyeP04 just now. My SPS is botak after 6 days =((((((((( So its dead right? sad
  13. where do SPS get thier food source from? light + Kh Ca and Mg?
  14. thanks all for the input.. i will try to do what you guys have adviced. besides ahsiang, anyone's sex life affected? haha
  15. Good job =) btw anyone tio parking fine at cedric's place before? drop by for a while then tio fined already
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