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Everything posted by nicholasloh

  1. cos t5s cost around the same(if i'm not wrong) as MH, so why spend on t5 then upgrade later? not only that, most ppl dun on their MH for long time wad. and if they haf chiller, heat couldnt be a prob.
  2. i would love to get a strawberry and mix it with my dilectis once i get my new tank...
  3. Sam, wad price are u looking for?
  4. juz wondering, will different breeds of anthias school together? and will chromis school along with anthias? cos everytime i see earthvisions, those two also swim together leh? can someone help me
  5. wah, where u get the urchins from? might consider getting a few more aftr my tank upgrade...
  6. welcome to this hobby! i think that mebbe u shld get a pair of true percs instead of juz one, since its really much more interesting when u haf a pair and make sure u haf a hood or else the Firefish might jump out when u're adjusting the rocks. add 5 more kg of normal rocks lor, then i think it shld be enuff.
  7. add some fishies leh... cant wait to see the end result
  8. wonder if its still available??? can some kind chap gif me his add and Number since he is out of town???
  9. i think this tank has led a lot of ppl like me realise that a tank can be beautiful even w/o LPS and SPS
  10. minmarine kor, can further describe the line on the YT, and can place tentative reservation on it 4 me k?
  11. i think u had to pee on the wound or sth to neutralise the poison or sth... tell ur gf that pincushion urchin is more fun... it will cling on ur hand...
  12. cauliflower is kinda variable, it has 2 types, one type likes light, one hates it.
  13. MSN here..... 1) kschew1498@hotmail.com 2) jesperlam@hotmail.com 3) giantbicycle@hotmail.com 4) hihai@singnet.com.sg 5) djdazhu@hotmail.com (planetG) 6) weileong27@hotmail.com 7) farishkadir@hotmail.com 8) ryanchan76@hotmail.com (lightningstrike) 9)RiotOfTheHeart@hotmail.com (Spider1 ) 10) mun333@hotmail.com 11) blueheaven636@hotmail.com 12)g8dget@hotmail.com (ryan) 13)ryzonian@hotmail.com(ryz) 14)dezimondo@hotmail.com(mUAr_cHEe) 15) nicholaslohkl@hotmail.com(nicholasloh) Yahoo here...... 1) kschew_1498 2) hamannbmw 3) djdazhu (planetG) 4) mun333 ICQ here...... 1) 7789783 (weileong) 2) 87101161 (lightningstrike) 3) 1612999 (mUAr_cHEe)
  14. go get the pirated one lah, then use a patch then no more troubles abt building. but its damn nice lor... u need 324MB, but better give it like 500MB for safety lor. go sims 2 website for system requirements... Some Highlights...my fave parts: -Woo-hoo in bed, changing rooms and in hot-tubs -10-day Pregnancy with Morning sickness and stuff -Did i mention 4 levels and a basement??? -And u can even get married with ur maid or fireman. -Engagement b4 Marriage... -and Divorce. Go get it lor
  15. depends on wad type of plankton u're toking abt penyu... only zoo can be used for LPS and SPS.
  16. caulis prefer dark, but are not nocturnal, theyre usually awake
  17. hammers dun take any sort of phyto at all. mebbe GP or cyclops though
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