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Everything posted by nicholasloh

  1. i still wonder how some people get paired gobies...can someone tell me?
  2. i've seen them b4, but i wanna get them in pairs. preferbly one that is 2nd-hand, cos it will be more hardy, and cheaper
  3. do u guys pair them up? if so, wad are the ways to identify? if the shop sells them in pairs? could u kindly tell me the shop. thx!
  4. the mushie was clay-mud color...perhaps it tot it was miracle mud and decided to try out the product :lol
  5. how abt others... no one haf dreams ah?
  6. i can smell $$$ miles away in terryansimon's pocket in this were to come thru...
  7. wah... but still, there will still be some fishes bot there... like dilectis, sailfin RS, AT...
  8. i want to haf a swimming pool of 30ft X 50ft X 50ft converted to tank then import large chunks of LR of abt 20ft X 10ft. one each from red sea, indo-pacifuc, aussie, fiji, phillipines... then put in all the rocks in the swimming tank then put all types of fish that i like (abt 1000 species) into the tank in pairs... will take scuba diving trips into the tank daily to feed. will hire marine biologists to take care of the tank. estimated cost: US$100 billion...will nvr happen... but still, post ur dream tanks here. it would be so fun!
  9. funny thing is that all the other tangs i had kept b4 are so reef-safe, and yet this tang isnt... my scopas and unicorn are ok in the reef tank...the one in the pic. i not very good at dealing with coral-eating buggers, as this is only the 2nd fish that i had that knew how to rip and slash. the other was a velvet damsel back in nov. it died shortly after i did a rescape 1 week after introduced. my angel is reef-safe (koran), my supposedly coral-eater yellow wrasse is fine, and my boxer nvr went on coral-rampage. so i suppose theres no way to treat that brownie's bad habit?
  10. its like kinda ripped off lor, and u can see dangling tissue. luckily its placed in a tank with other corals. so i shifted the hairy mushie to the main tank. kinda puzzled coz this tang feeds on every thing. i can even hand-feed it...and there are many stalks of red bamboo for it...and i mean a lot. nvm, i guess i shall convert the tank into macro algae and add pipefishes.
  11. my Powder Brown went on a mushie diet, and became not reef safe. luckily, it was at a place with only 1 pc of mushie rock. but still, i haf plans to renovate and introduce it to a coral environment. or else i will convert the tank to macro algae only, and keep pipes there. so anyone know how to reef-safe it?
  12. can i pre-order some for my neon gobies and cleaner wrasse(perhaps) that are making way to the tank in begining sep. can a bott of home-cultured plankton do as a payment? or would u prefer tubs instead?
  13. try rotifers. they work quite well for all types of fry.
  14. no thxs. ancelot. i would rather keep them to myself. the bioload is very low lah. no ammonia spikes.
  15. i think tht coral is a tree coral. its supposed to be erect, not slopping around. do u feed it?
  16. where did u get the golden one? $10-20? is it juz as good?
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