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Everything posted by nicholasloh

  1. depends on the disk... dun forget lighting cost too.
  2. i nvr faced this problem at all, mebbe u should adjuz its positioning in the tank.
  3. i think freedom fighter is more positive, while terrorist is more negative
  4. No paid, but got credit...not credit cards though length, i think its not really important lor...it can be very long, with no substance, or short packed of info... but i think around 500 words lah...
  5. ARTICLES WANTED! Articles wanted to serve as a guide for new-to-come reefers. these articles will serve as a GOOD guide of local reefkeeping information... Here are some Categories to talk abt: Fish Families (EG: Tang, Angels...) Diseases (Ich, Velvet...) Setting up a Tank Equipment (Skimmer, Lights...) Corals (LPS, SPS...) Invert Guide (Shrimps...) and ETC ETC You guys should write an article, if u have experience in it. Its up to u of course, but think of the hundreds that will benefit. So, get down to business...and Have Fun! Send them to me in a PM, and i'll put it up here.
  6. lolz... thats what i do to my survivor game counterparts
  7. but there should be a place to put them in first rite?
  8. For MSN and Yahoo Instant Messenger Service Users: Please put a rose in front of your nick to show your sympathy for the hundreds of dead children in russia who have died in a terrorist act, i hope you find it in ur heart 2 do this. Pass this to all of your online contacts... For People without the above IM services, Put 'Peace!' in ur signature instead...pass this on.
  9. at least 70% sure. but dun hunt me down if ur shrimps get eaten. there will be a risk, but it will be smaller than with other dottys.
  10. they're beneficial detrisious feeders the more the merrier.
  11. top tank: 1 unicorn tang 1 scopas tang 1 juv koran 1 african clown 1 tomato clown 1 yellow wrasse 1 cleaner shrimp 1 boxer 1 pincushion urchin 3 anemone shrimps 1 dilectis dotty 1 clown goby real big (1inch) bottom tank: 1 orange-shoulder tang 1 convict tang 1 clown tang 1 firefish 2 enginner gobies 1 red mandrain (color coming back. dun wry moxa) 1 algae blenny 2 fire shrimp mebbe one red sea sailfin in future and shrimps
  12. i need to brw cam first lor...let u know in a day or two?
  13. no pics... how much are u willingly to pay for candy then,typrobin
  14. candy coral abt 7 heads. heads abt 20cen when expanded. pearl bubble coral, skeleton abt 4 in long, 3in high. 2 inch of flesh still alive, abt 4 heads. selling both in a package for $20.
  15. try garlic guard...even my cleaner wrasse also rush towards me during dinner time
  16. depends on wad gobies u're talking abt. go to liveaquaria for more info
  17. erps. no lah. it is fading thru the day till some spots are already white.
  18. OMG! My mandarin's colour is starting to fade off, becoming more white. it appears to haf affected both of them. their tummies are full and are feeding well...anyone knows what happened?
  19. it looks great. mebbe u should add in one leather coral, looks great in nanos.
  20. try inducing it to feeding using live food like BS.
  21. i've alreadi sold it all out, and its 100% safe, as long as u dun overdose. use it in 21 days if u prefer it to be live. and u can reserve with me lor the price is cheaper now after calcutions $2 a bott and $15 for 1.5 pet bottle!
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