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Everything posted by nicholasloh

  1. the game forum is alreadi done. if u indicated tyes, i expect u to join the game
  2. using my own... haf to gut load my cauliflowers into reprodcution.
  3. its here http://s7.invisionfree.com/survivorworldwi...hp?showforum=89 sign-up ASAP. i want to finish it by 2 weeks...
  4. great! i only haf 10 yes-es and 2 mebbes... i think i'll start the thing first lor... then u guys can pull ur friend in and sign-up
  5. post some more another time... ADDITIVES Corallife: Calcium, Trace, Strontium, Iodide, Magnesium Phyto: 1 litre per day.
  6. Posting Moxa's Red Mandarin Dun worry Wee Kiong, the coloration gained back liao after i changed light to MH. pure red...
  7. Ello! Time for me to post pics liaoz lolz... anyway, its really over populated in some ppl's opinions and crowded in some's But still the tank is doing well and the whole water chemistry is in check abt 15 fishes but all are doing well and fights are kept to the minimum. all are happy tankmates Heres a list and specs: Light: 150W 10 000k Light Sand abt 1 inch Grade '0' Temp: 26 Degrees C Salinity: 1.024~1.025 40 blocks of corals and rocks. Fish: 1 True/False Clown 1 African Clown 1 Tomato Clown 1 Yellow Wrasse 1 Unicorn Tang 1 Scopas Tang 1 Baby Blue Tang 1 Sulphur Goby 1 Giant Clown Goby 2 Anthias 1 Gold Foxface (aka Lil Spinefoot) 1 Dilectis Dottyback 1 Koran Angel 1 Red Mandarin (Moxa's) Inverts: 1 Boxer Shrimp 1 Cleaner Shrimp 1 Pistol Shrimp 1 Pincushion Urchin
  8. tsk tsk... price reduction will attract more ppl i think...
  9. geez... a lot ppl read, but not so many replies... anyway, the game is quite fast and challenging. Reefing skills and Strategic skills will constantly be tested... i need to get at least 20 yes replies b4 i make arrangements for this game. Think 'Marine Fish'... Think 'Survivor'... THINK 'THE REEFER'!!!
  10. Hey guys, I was thinking of setting up a game at another forum, which tests one's strategic power and reefing knowledge. bascially its a hell of a game that i already had it more or less planned out, and the winner will be crowned "Ultimate Reefer". It will take up abt 2 weeks, and u are required to go online at least once a day. Anyway, in order for the game to start, i need abt 16 players, so i need to conduct this poll to see if there is a demand for a position in the game, then i'll set the game up. also, indicate if u are interested in playing in this thread. will gif more details if result is promising. i look forward to hosting a good game for u reefers...
  11. if gif out sth like powdery substance, means spawning liao. my tube worms also like that. then baby tube worms that survive my cauliflower filtering, will grow.
  12. gif it kelp first lah as an alternate source of food in case it dies. then ween it slowily.
  13. i think u guys forgot to mention that sand is important too. mine bottom tank has abt 2 inch grade 0 sand, and there is still a large excess of pods even with moxa's red mandarin in it. if no rocks, get sand instead.
  14. when he asks what are the white spots on my fish...
  15. hum... got pic? might be able to help u if there is pic, cos there are diff intensities of golden green.
  16. looks like some kind of parasite. not too sure though
  17. haf one lil spinefoot. so cute... when its in the bamboo algae part, it will camoflague...then if swimming outside of the kelp, then will regain gold color.
  18. when u fail ur major exam? (not that i will or hope so though)
  19. u mean WWE? i like Jeff Hardy...heard he is working with TNA. abt divas: Lita and Trish
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