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  1. Bro, me not student but newbie. If still available for give-away? Tks.
  2. Seen it in Qian Hu, u may wanna call them to confirm.
  3. Bro, u have not indicate $ n location to deal.
  4. Bro, LCK shipment in already? Been eyeing Argi Angel. If u know, can PM me the $ Tks
  5. Bro, so yours is this model Coz u put 10,000 puzzle me. http://www.madpetz.com.sg/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=&products_id=233 Where/When can deal? Contacts also Thanks
  6. Bro, Just to clarify below model Eheim Compact 1000? 7. Eheim compact 10000 x2 If so, interested, do advice location and price to let go. Thanks
  7. Hi All Bros & Sis, Due to my increased traveling recently, I have less time to do regular maintenance. Thus was thinking to get a better cleaner to extend the duration b4 I need to do manual scrapping. Those cheap magnets just can't keep up especially for the stubborn green algae. Care to share your experience? Btw, anybody WTS can PM me too. Tks.
  8. Hey, me in north. Will check out C328, tks.
  9. Hi guys, Any bro knows where I can get below; Saw on F n M website but gotta chalk up stuff to reach free delivery American Marine PINPOINT® Salinity Calibration Fluid [AMSC] SGD9.00 Appreciate feedbacks, tks
  10. Update from LCK French Garibaldi Flame Hawk Black Cap Royal Gamma Mystery wrasse Argi
  11. Simple & Effective idea. Upz !
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