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  1. Dear All, due to work & oversea assigments, this need to put on hold. For sale : 20-30k live rock full of coralline algae stoodstool coral button red mushroom elephant ear or something 1 yellow banded maroon clown 1 blue devil demsel All for $60 resun 280-300chiller about 1 year - $100 marco skimmer with pump- $40 Pls call 97997470 for more infro. Live stock need to go first.
  2. Dear All, due to work & oversea assigments, this need to put on hold. For sale : 20-30k live rock full of coralline algae stoodstool coral button red mushroom elephant ear or something 1 yellow banded maroon clown 1 blue devil demsel All for $60 resun 280-300chiller about 1 year - $100 marco skimmer with pump- $40 Pls call 97997470 for more infro. Live stock need to go first.
  3. sorry, no picture for the light, it is what it is selling in the shop, no camera at the moment.
  4. Apologies, I just came back from buz trip, thus, with so many reply to clear. Items updates, Eheim pump --- reserves Matrix light --- still available skimmer --- reserve Regards,
  5. Dear All, see below items for sale: 1. Eheim 1250 pump --- $65 used for about a year, good condition, never put in the water, used externally 2. Matrix 2ft PL light set ( 2 x 55watt) -- $50 used for about a year, good condition 3. Weipro 2011 skimmer --- $10 used for about a year, still have abiy of caroline on it. Pls PM me with contact if interested. Thanks for view.
  6. Hi All, I am looking for above skimmer or similar for an upgrade. Pls pm me if you have one to sell. Thanxs,
  7. Hi all, I was thinking of getting marco AS100P for an upgrade(weipro2012). I am using a 2ft tank, no sump. From the reviews I read seem like it cannot be hang on like a weipro, but shop tell me can be done. Pls help me to verify this. btw the way can I used back my Ehem pump that support the weipro for the marco and wat the flow rate need for the marco. mine ehem 1250 I guess abt 1200l/hr. Thanks.
  8. tineng, thanx for your advised, guess i will go for cl280 then. When you mention about the noise, yours is the new or old model? Feedback I get the new model is much better and the noise level drop tremendously compare to the old. Where got best offer for CL280? Regards, Thanx
  9. Dear All, I would like to find out more about chillers. Like to get a resun for my 2 ft tank Here the qns: 1. Is it more cost saving in the long run to get a bigger capacity chiller than the recommended spec for tank. eg. resun CL450 for a 2 feet tank. 2. Is there big different in power comsumption bet. resun 280, 300, 450. ie. with those watts, horsepower, and other parameter(if any) quite confusing. 3. Wat is everyone recommendation for a 2 ft (30gal) tank. Out of the box qn. How about Iceprobe for a 2 ft? Many thanx.
  10. thanx ryz, veri infromative, currently i am using 2'x15.5'x1.8' tank 2011 protein skimmer temp: 27-28 2xPL tube (55w/tube, white 12000k, blue 17000k) btw, what is kalkwasser? correct me if i am wrong: is the above mention is similar to calcium , just that it is in German? if not where to get kalkwasser? Thanx
  11. thanx all for the advises , I will heel them and select with this information. AT, could you elabrate : what is a calcium reactor? Which brand is recommended? Where could i get them? Thanx
  12. Dear all, I would like to keep the following corals, need advise what supplement , additives, food to provide in order to keep them healthy. 1. hammer coral 2. Xenie coral 3. Frogspawn coral 4. bubble coral 5. alveopora coral 6. mushroom 7.fox coral 8. sun coral i have a 2'x1.8'x1.5' tank, using PL 2x55w . thanx in advance.
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