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Everything posted by dravan

  1. haha u guys are jokers.... ok let me sort out some things first then i will go do my BOW haha
  2. price revised for the rocks drop to 55bucks for all 10kg.... plus the free buttons n durian
  3. not an act of terror so pls.... the situation bad enough dun add salt n pepper to it..... its jus that one of the wall collaspe due to being unable to hold the weight of the soil.......
  4. haha i was activated for this incident.... due to gas leak... but lucky nuttin much happen so i get to standdown
  5. the high temp is to shorten the cycle of the ich... what u kill normally is those free swimming and those that r on the fishes what about those unhatched.... therefore they up the temp to fasten their livecycle so that we can kill them faster
  6. wow nice shots..... hmm gotta do my bow fast
  7. of course can sand down n respray... thats what they do in factories oso... use a type of waterproofing sealant lahz... go ask hardware shop
  8. as above u guys got any recomandations? wats the package like? what do i do to qualify
  9. very sharp very nice man... hw much is the cam?
  10. happening to me oso... i am on singnet broadband
  11. update skimmer sold thks liverocks n button ###### durian package still available sms 98279935
  12. haha yucks.... that toliet without man there wun be urinals
  13. hmmm actually changing water so freq mightt stress ur fishes think can cut down
  14. got 10kg of liverocks... going for $68 with a free frag of durian coral which is not doing so well and some buttons as free gift with purchase... and a marco skimmer for sale at 20bucks inslump type without powerhead.... dunnoe what model but it can skim pretty well sellling for fren so dun bargain lahz cheers 98279935
  15. hmmm so HIV virus can survive outside the host for days.... but as what i have learned as i am a medical personal is that aids virus cannot survive for long unless it has a host
  16. putting another mark on the world map for singapore haha
  17. cld cloudy water be due to sumthing spawning?
  18. it might rot n affect water quality.... hmmm maybe no3 wld shoot up abit?
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