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Everything posted by dravan

  1. My resun CL650 broke down... dun c the LED light up in the afternoon therefore quickly shut down my MH... anyone knows anyone whom repairs chiller pls pm thks....
  2. went ML today saw clams.... and some new corals they were unpacking
  3. for a 1 ft cube options r limited... u haf to kp bioload damn low n do freq water change.... maybe zoos... small gobies?
  4. hmmm i seen my emerald moult a few times... the grow fast... my tank was infested wif diatoms and they ate n ate n grow n grow.... hair aglae they rarely touch
  5. hmmm ok thks for those replies cos i dunnoe which to take up? NAUI PADI? haha
  6. its cyan... use redslime remover n rowaphos to counter the prob
  7. hi all been trying to find out the difference in the two... anyone care to show me some light to this.....
  8. hey guys if u guys haf any frags to sell pls sms me at 98279935 or pm me thks
  9. haha juz use the water to flush ur loos lohz... autoclaving only makes it sterile but wats the use... the NO3 n PO4 is still present in water... which over time if u continue with ur methods wld cause buildup of them to high ppm then ur tank will get lots of unwanted algae.... or do u plan to haf an algae farm? hehe jking
  10. seens like u haf a cyano problem....
  11. tank thinking of using an external overflow mounted on the back of the tank... or maybe i shld use 2?
  12. hmmm now planning to do up a 3x2x2 tank in my parent's new flat in sembawang... sort of screw up on my old 2ft setup so now must plan n do up the tank slowly..... firstly trying to decide on the tankmaker n material used... arcylic vs glass? any advise bros? the cabinet i have ordered
  13. got a green round brian for sale... $15... interested pls pm me thks no pics
  14. haha paste back oso wun help liao... infact u might do more harm.... leave them in high flow area with good lights n good water... hopefully will recover....
  15. hmmm okay will go search again.... wanna get some equipment frm there....
  16. cyan can look brownish.... the tell tale normally is the spreading when lights on n disappearing abit when lights off
  17. hermits do kill snails.... i lose a few to my scarlet hermit....
  18. ice probe lah.... 230 bucks for the unit n 100 bucks for the temp controller.... where got 20 to 30 bucks.....
  19. went searching but can't find it..... its at yishun central ritez.... can't find that shop..... any kind soul can help here.....
  20. plate corals do move ard... so some ppl actually use small rocks to anchor them....
  21. frm what u say it sounds more like cyano than diatoms
  22. haha all guys have a young heart so no harm playing with toys ritez
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