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Everything posted by braincoral

  1. My sps got infested with AEFW sometime ago.. Just recovered not long ago.. many sps uplorry.. Thats why MIA...
  2. I went jireh only once ... Once and last time...
  3. I checked the level of keeping this beauty is graded diffiulty.. It need live food... Thats why I keep thinking of buying it a not
  4. I never feed my sps But just started feeding roti feast this week.. Hope can see better results..
  5. I changed water every 2-3 days to replace whatever elements that are lose.. so far ok..
  6. My 1 yr plus elegance coral that still growing never target feed at all surprise that I am able to keep it alive..
  7. No sand... All the while..I been adopting bare bottom concept. Just want to have an easy set up low costs sps tank.. Just like to keep it simple..
  8. Corals that survived after a fierce battle... this purple digitata have been with me more then a year... have grow rapidly..
  9. Yes- the ios compartment .cabinet I got from him.. I cant rem the thickness of the tank.. U can call CR and ask them to quote.. Pretty cheap..
  10. Ya mine is a iso tank.. Got tank from CR at eunos industrial. ..
  11. V nice algae blenny... Good for my tank! !!
  12. thanks for the link on the sps thread... its really very easy to clean the tank and siphon those debris without liverocks..
  13. I always cheong pasir ris farm.. But they going to relocated soon..
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