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Everything posted by Hobbyist

  1. Wow. Nice tank. Does it come with the cabinet also. May i know what is the cost? Thanks.
  2. Beauty Upzzz........ for you bro.
  3. Wow.. very nice frags. Ups for ur sales bro.
  4. Upz for ur sales bro. Veri nice zoas.
  5. Upz for ur sales bro. Nice + healthy frags & mangrove & also for the LR too.
  6. Ya agree. A small pump is a great help . Alternatively, U can try on & off the filter a few time when the water already half way through the hose..this method force the water pressure to flow out from the outlet & thus the filter will start to run normally. Hope this helps too.
  7. Great. Useful link for those who are doubt on coraline algae.
  8. Thinking of buying a chiller for my 4x2x2.5ft tank to start keeping coral soon but not sure which brand of chiller to choose from? Which model that come with an external temperature probe for a more accurate temperature reading also what is the size/hp to choose from? Any recommendation. Many thanks
  9. Thks bro Yap. It always dig & hide inside the sandbed during night time & very active during day time..so i think temp i cant keep those coral that need to place on the sandbed.
  10. No wonder I only see once for my 2 peppermint shrimp after i put into the tank months back.. Think it might hv become food for the fish. Thank bro
  11. Well done. Simple & easy to maintain also.
  12. Hi all Senior, anyone keep red coris wrasse fish with coral. I have a 7 inch red coris wrasse in my 4ft tank. Decide to keep some coral but not sure will the fish disturb the coral like zoas & mushroom? Thks.
  13. Maybe can try placing boxer shrimp into the tank. My boxer shrimp always look for unwanted worms in my tank and clear them.
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