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Everything posted by reckless

  1. reckless

    Aquastyle LED

    more bros using aquastyle aye? how the drivers are getting hot? for mine theres barely any heat...maybe becoz i didnt go full power...hehz..
  2. thanks all for the compliments! bro slayer, for your ios, i think bio rings is good for the start but do remove them after a few months or when the tank's water parameter is stable.for a newcomer, I think best to go as simple as possible - mechanical filtration, good protein skimmer - if possible, over-skim your tank and lastly weekly regular water changes. As for my current tank (RSM 130D with diy overflow to my own simple sump tank)the IOS compartment of the tank only has the skimmer, water goes down to the sump, pass the filtration wool for mechanical and the rest i leave it to the bacteria in the tank,my Deep sand bed and filter sock filled with carbon to do the job before water is pumped back into the IOS of the display tank. Thats all to it. Just be patient and DON'T ADD ANY FISH OR CORALS when you have just started running the tank. be a responsible reefer - as for Seachems denitrator and other things to add in the sump... i just think one can add so many things in the tank to filter out waste but its still no substitute for water changes. btw my tank is currently using the aquastyle LED light system. - you can read it in another post in the DIY section. lastly, do open a new post to update the progress of your tank! )) welcome to reefing bro!
  3. reckless

    Aquastyle LED

    nice~~~ hope you're enjoying your new LEDs bro ingwe
  4. oh and about getting it locally, tried to find... so far no LFS bringing in...yet. the shipping is quite a chunk of the whole cost. but oklah... Items came in one piece and im happy with the product.
  5. hey bros, good question there bro lauter.... hmmm not a electrical expert.. cant help answer u that question.hehe! as for the lenses... it will be bright to the sides too but its tolerable for me. not much of an issue. own preference i guess. you can get a reflector and fix it to the heat sink to cover the sides. the dimming feature is just for you to adjust the lights to your own liking IMO. i tweaked mine for a few times when i first got it. after that i just left it as it is. my LEDs are running with two independant timers to control the Royal blue and white LEDs different on and off timings. FYI, just an update, my LEDs are still not running at full power. just happy as it is now. corallines are growing fast, my zoas are giving better colours and everything looks good. Pratically no heat is generated. I think the fan is like redundant... but gonna leave it as it is.(lazy to dismantle it from the unit). Still monitoring the drivers though. other than that, still no issues
  6. yeah yeah yeah the instructions are clear. they do give you a manual on how to fix it. the layout and all
  7. hey bro. no prob! have you check out the link i gave? will lead u to the pictures of the components and two pictures of the tank with the new LEDs. Sorry got no videos... if have also, the video can't capture the actual lighting effects and brightness...
  8. reckless

    AquaStyle 36 LED Kit

  9. reckless

    Aquastyle LED Kit

    From the album: AquaStyle 36 LED Kit

    © www.sgreefclub.com

  10. Okay, Just an update. Received the package within 3 days from online ordering. Actual Delivery took 2 working days to arrive at doorstep. it took me 2 hours to assemble the components together. You can view the pictures of the components Aquastyle Dimmable 36 LED Light 18 White, 18 Royal Blue With Heat Sink and Fan Please note that the light effect in the pictures does not justify the actual light effect. You have to see it for yourself to believe. Not": was given the 2 additional LEDs free(1 White, 1 royal Blue), hanging kit and digital thermometer FOC. they did not state this when i made the order. was quite surprised about the hanging kit
  11. just bought the 36 x LED DIY Dimmable Kit (18x3w white,18x3w royal blue). wanna give it a try. will update and review for the benefit of others once i get the kit. oh btw total cost with shipping is SGD$209.
  12. nice corals bro but i think your tank is a lil too small for the yellow tang?
  13. anyone can spare me some? can buy from you if you prefer. thanks!
  14. wow! nice brain there! Wish i could get it.... but gotta pass.... UPZ FOR YOU BRO!
  15. set up the tank last night... was such a b****...haha.. end up still using the IOS filtration...so now under cycle again... anyways, I just realized that my external canister's overflow tube is bigger than the return pipe... wonder if i can use those instead of the RSM chiller inlet/outlet at the same location. Same concept.
  16. I tried using goodbye po4 before too. But i remembered some senior bros mentioned tat it will only lower po4 in tank n not remove cyano which is wad we want to achieve. And so i tried the amox... Just 1 capsule and u can see the cyano vanish within days to weeks. Dun think it will kill or affect beneficial bacteria in an established tank to a point tat the tank will crash. Just dont over dose n be patient Theres a thread in this forum bout using amox to combat cyano. Lastly, if the amox does work for u, dun stop there.. Check n rectify the water parameters coz cyano first started for a reason. You'll win the battle i'm sure. Dun give up
  17. Ahhh tats the inlet/outlet attachment that i'm planning to use.. So it won't work i guess. Any alternative? Using another additional piping for overflow? Gonna be setting up ymrw so thinking to do a sump ystem or just stick with the stock ios...
  18. Saw similar LEDs at expo electrical and food bazaar yest. Got the brochure of the company at home. Will update here again
  19. I was wondering if this will work or not. Instead of using the Chiller Inlet Outlet pipe for the chiller, use it as a overflow and return pipe. Water will be siphoned from the IOS filtration compartment of the RSM through the RSM Chiller Outlet Pipe and down to the Sump tank and pumped back up by a return pump to the RSM Chiller Inlet Pipe and into the IOS before going back into the main tank. My concern is 1. will this cause any uneven flowrates(Overflow of water) in either tank, between the overflow and return using this method?
  20. are you selling the light fixture bro?
  21. Hi all, Anyone has any idea what return pump to use for RSM 130? (From IOS compartment to chiller, back to IOS Compartment)? Hope someone can help me with this. Will be shifting house and shifting my tank from my current 2ft tank running on external canister filter to RSM 130 by next week. need the water to be cooled for my lifestocks...thanks in advance all you kind hearted reefers!
  22. Not sure bout that bro. u can go research and share with us? thanks!
  23. wah liao.... your picture of the shrooms make me want to go to an all shrooms tank..... grrrrrrrr! UPZ FOR U!
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