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Everything posted by Anthony

  1. anyone got dead/ halfdead seafan to give away or letting go cheap... can sms me @98166116.
  2. if u got chiller go for 150w or 250w. X 2 i think T5 cost more then MH
  3. (one of the shop near the kelantan lane coffeeshop, dun go there.. they trying to con ppl 1) Hager EH011 $50 Hager EH010 $40. mcb $5 then i got quote by another shop in kelantan... Hager EH011 $43-45 (cant remember) Hager EH010 $33 mcb $4.80 yazid... how come urs so cheap?.. can intro me which shop...
  4. check ur pm.. still waiting for ur reply...
  5. i have some question abt SE mh lighting. only Iwasaki using mecury vapour ballast??? what about brand like BLV, AB, Hamilton, Radium, Ushio using high pressure sodium ballast? for the ignitor, i need to change ignitor if i change diff brand of bulb?.
  6. woonming, ur lime green ricodea yuma , and Flourscent Blue Mrooms all sold out?. let me know it u still left any.. i want 1 blue 1 green.
  7. osram bulb 6000k? .. i dont think its for marine... more of plants setup. marine shld be at least 10000k and above.
  8. can reserved the 1 large going at 10$ each (50cent coin) for me .
  9. hope someone can donate..
  10. decorate my seahorse tank... after my mated maroon go heaven. now simply just LR inside with some airtubes. can pm me if u have any... pospeh photosynthetic searod <= what u mean? actually i dont mind getting it... as long as its like branches for my seahorse.
  11. anyone got seafan to give away? botak also can
  12. ops.. i mean the pH of the kalk water(the amount to be used) was pH 12-12.4 KH around 10-11dKH calcium around 380ppm maintain my ph around 8.0-8.4 (24/7 aquasentry ph ) dose kalk twice weekly. dose calcium once weekly. normally i mix a chickenrichspoon of kalk with 2liters of aged water. (get around 12+ ph yesterday i just did something different... ADD around 50ml of vinegar into that... and it cause a disaster anyway for ur full detail...
  13. mixing vinegar will affect so much drastic change??? err everytime i mix my kalk... my ph always hit around 12.0 - 12.4. ohya i remember something, yesterday i clear 10 months old live sand from my 2ft tank(old tank.). i just took out 1 of the shells and throw it into inside (2ft tank 2 months old) just a shell, will contain that much toxic? ph drastic change to 7.4? so sad ... now its empty...
  14. nope.. he only got 6500k tubes... its more for planted user
  15. just found out that my 2ft tank fishes all dead .. just managed to save my blood shrimps, corals, and lots of Nassarius Snails. yesterday ask my dad help me buy "pai chu" white vinegar, but the bottle stated "Artificial Vinegar" arghhh i nv check... just pour in abt 1/5 of the bottle to dissolve my kalk. *u guys mix ur kalk with which type of vinegar? am i using the correct vinegar? usually i keep my ph around 8.1-8.4. i started dripping in the noon... untill around 12am... i found out that my ph decrease to 7.43 its too late. how come!!!. all my fishes dead becos of ph drop? or what causes it?... anyway, i just finish clearing everythings... change 100% water... move all corals and snails to my new refugium. (my 4ft still havent finish cycle yet .)
  16. 1). 36 Nassarius snails + 1 bag of lettuce 2). 3). 4). 5). ...
  17. u can find those super fine net for ur plenum. cost u around $4-8buck for 1ft. i m using it for my refugium. with #0+ #1 sand
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