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Everything posted by lcf425

  1. Sold an flameback 3 more to go an a flame angel ^^
  2. bro should be ok de la lol did i poision you =.= either way mine is top and mid of the tank using 4 tube t5 only so far so good ^^
  3. 2.5inches with me for 6months selling off to lower bio load collection hume park 1 feeds on on mysis /henry food /pellats selling at 50bucks net sms me 91289457
  4. anyone selling the above sms me at 91289457 thanks^^
  5. frag for me the blue sea fan thanks^^
  6. lcf425

    overflow noise

    thats the problem i dun have one and cant someone who has one =.=
  7. lcf425

    overflow noise

    Oh I am currently using that but it's still kinda loud =.=
  8. ps resize again hope this is better^^
  9. some new pictures and tank shots ^^
  10. hope its works read up abit on it its like so good and too good to be true though the price is abit costly=.=
  11. use it spareingly as its cost a bomb as i just check with RD -,-
  12. wow this is a nice wrasse^^ any idea how much and can it be bought?
  13. heng ar i thought 30 times =.= yupp feeding in small amounts only yea lowering haha
  14. lem 3x as in 30 to 39 times or 3 times a day i have a food dispenser that feeds 6 times a day and i feed frozen food 3 times a day yea upgrade the skimmer once i catch a good deal and i am lowering my bio load though it kinda slow =.=
  15. lem so what is survive long?? and can i say if the purple queen feeds on pellat means its quite save or still unknown?
  16. LOL should compare with bartlet the pig >.<... erm this question may sound stupid how to know if this purple queen is stable and will not mia =.=?
  17. see how long they will stay with me then ...ba haha either way for a fish to start eating after a week is considered easy to feed???
  18. looking for the above to do water change anyone know where i can get one?
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