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Everything posted by lcf425

  1. nope dun like gem tang like the white mask angel!
  2. dun dare to buy AT cause its too ich magnet liao =(
  3. Anytime when you free ^^ this octo when I bought it never even open =.= just grab and go as so many people were camping for them to open >.<
  4. two new video after adding a red brain and blue seafan from digi^^ http://s1001.photobucket.com/albums/af139/lcf425/?action=view&current=IMG_0054.mp4 http://s1001.photobucket.com/albums/af139/lcf425/?action=view&current=IMG_0055.mp4
  5. LOL SERIOUS AR??? COOL !! kk 2 more leg to go~~~
  6. Tubby for ?? Oh btw Marco my new number is 93258321 that other line I give my gf le so Yea^.^ thanks for offering to help too
  7. can can^^ oh my octo was inside already ar? haha come and comment so can improve^^
  8. They are still alive lucky ^.^ not going to get back 10flame wrasse after this outbreak and all my friends advise sank in deeply on what I should keep and do le! Can drop by anytime so long I am home ^^
  9. At least it's easier to read Ma
  10. wa is the purple one avaliable in sg if it its how many orange note =.=?
  11. Anyone reeding and plays Mj ? Cause looking for people ^^ pm your Hp if keen
  12. Psps reply using iPhone still trying to adjust to it Yea Bartlett currently looks the strongest but the outbreak haven die down yet so Yea =[ Yea will no give up though this down is super steep
  13. Will almost never buy from GO as the price dun seem human to me =.= Thanks ^^
  14. Yea worst part not sure even if it's velvet 0.0
  15. Thanks ^^ but get this super rare disease over a super rare fish is like wth =.= either way this outbreak crack my skull open to keep lesser fishes for the future ba hope though reading can learn from me also ^^ well now is coral time ! looking for prata~~~~ Just dunno why I keep feeling that my corals are unhealthy just dunno why =.=
  16. Currently my tank all new and semi new fishes has died only left with the old fishes which health are better then the newer ones. That's explains why though the outbreak of velvet all has yet to perish, however i notice only once in 3days an older fish will catch this powder body spot which usually will die the following day =[
  17. I though velvet will wipe out the whole tank within days cause it's like 2weeks since this weird wipe out which ever fish that has this white powder on the body will lose appetite and die the next day if it's velvet, could you guide me how to save this situation ?
  18. Btw Lem it's just only however I notice fishes that is covered with that white powder body will tend to lose their appetite and die usually the next day same for all the fishes that died
  19. Cause Digi say should not be velvet as all my fishes will die in like 2 to 3 days
  20. Anyone got any advice to share on how to cure flukes ?? Currently dosing prazi however it does not seem to help improve and fishes are dying daily =[
  21. Hmmm you can ask Marcovan to help ^^
  22. want to buy a barrel to do water change please sms me if you happen to sell one^^ 93258321 thanks
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