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Everything posted by lcf425

  1. Sounds like someone is trying to be ridiculous
  2. Wake up in the middle of the night then blast your light and just scoop the fish out ^.^ fishes will be blind of about 1min.
  3. Any new pictures of your gf ~~?
  4. bro if you KH is 250ppm i doubt anything can survive in your tank =.=
  5. after clearing my sps haha but do note Holacanthus family the can destory sps de ...
  6. looking for a 3 to 4inches queen and any size multicolor angel pm your price and picture thanks
  7. but do take not passer angels are not reef safe!
  8. To rescape or not~

    1. orsony


      Don't waste time lah. You rock scape it already very nice the last time I saw it.

    2. lcf425


      Haha ok boss :) just bored lol

  9. all damsel gone MUHAHAHAAH

    1. dnsfpl


      i even have trouble catching my cleaner shrimp...really hats off to you

    2. Jameshong


      I have hard time catching my damsels! Not damsel in stress but me the one in stress!

  10. Clam pending collection Plates pending viewing
  11. first time i forgot to bring hp back home from work omg :(

    1. tunicate


      I set daily alarm to remind myself to get out of office. Maybe you should too.

    2. lcf425


      Its the first time ever in my life 0.0 hopefully it never happen again

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