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Everything posted by lcf425

  1. selling them at $5ea got 2 or 3 they are algae eater SMS 93258321 Collection Hume park 1
  2. looking for the above please sms me if you are selling on thanks 93258321
  3. Iwarna 4 to 7 sohal tang many purple tang all size CF hybrid powder blue tang
  4. Price lowered to $60 just want to clear
  5. First clownfish size 1inch price $100 anemone lover Second clownfish size 2inch price $150 both feeds on pellets,mysis and henry food sms me at 93258321 collection hume park 1
  6. selling together with Quick Disconnect Valve Part price $80 age 1year sms 93258321
  7. Lookin for the above please SMS me at 93258321 if you happen to be selling one thanks
  8. i believe the cloudy water is due to the bio pellet, as i the right way to add it is to slowly increase the amount and not add the whole lot in -.- you need to do a large water change to clear up the tank then add carbon will do the job
  9. AM got burgess butterfly ,CF got yellow belly regel feeding on pellets~
  10. Elos mini for sure if you have deep pocket
  11. looking for the above new or second hand please sms me at 93258321 thanks
  12. it could be the amount of bio pellet as i notice there alot of it in the reactor.
  13. Make them comfortable in the tank and they will feed
  14. A short video of the cute pair ~
  15. Starting of with a FTS My yellow jawhead pair ^.^
  16. try posting this in reefcentral
  17. Price : $15 Collection: Hume Park 1 SMS: 93258321
  18. Looking for the above please text me if you happen to spare some SMS 93258321
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