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Everything posted by lcf425

  1. SMS me the size and place and price thanks at 91289457 looking for about 3 thanks ^^
  2. for your infor they are bought of the shelf first hand
  3. nope both bought from C328 can go down and check with them
  4. Upszzz 2xkorila nano wavemarker used less then 3weeks selling at $35ea
  5. yoyo nigel!!! hows life there!!

  6. darn if only it were small=( 2.5in dam big man =.=
  7. 2x bartlett anthais 35ea 1x dispa anthais 5bucks collection at ubi ave 2 SMS me at 91289457
  8. 1x red sea prizm skimmer 1x 1.5ft by 1ft plastic tank 1x ehiem liberty 200 1x mini Led clip on lights total for 100bucks only^^ sms me 91289457 collection at ubi
  9. Used for only 3weeks selling it at 35bucks only bought at 50bucks at C328 collection at ubi ave 2 sms me at 91289457
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