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Everything posted by lcf425

  1. Price $750 Condition 9/10 Used for around 1.5 years. First owner. Bought it at around 1.5k. Reason of sale upgrading. whatsapp 93258321 more details of the skimmer can be found here http://saltycritter.com/protein-skimmers/atb/atb-standard-econo-cone-1050-protein-skimmer.htm
  2. Conspic why you so CUTE!

  3. looking for the above best if its a big piece sms me at 93258321
  4. Looking for the above please sms me at 93258321
  5. Feed a mixture of different pellets with vitamin soak
  6. ATB skimmer for heavy bioload one of the best skimmer in the market and proven in reef central
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