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Everything posted by carfyx

  1. I dont think u need 12-15kg live rock for a 2 feet. 5 to 8 kg will be sufficient . Try looking out at Pasar Malam section and get from reefer that decomming.
  2. Your Welcome I'm not the one you talked to in that shop . Haha . Do post a picture once it hatched ! Congrats to your newborn shark in 2 months time ! You are a dad soon :x
  3. Clowns reserved to Bro Nickel . Collection at 8 30 pm tonight If buyer back out - Will contact NickyKhoo & RCA next in queue Thank you !
  4. No problem, can learn reefing from both of you too !
  5. Sorry Mod for the repeated post due to Tapatalk connection error.
  6. Selling this pair at $10 or trade with corals They are about 4 cm long . Location : Queenstown
  7. carfyx

    Golden Cloves

    From the album: CARLSTUDIO


  8. From the album: CARLSTUDIO


  9. Went to Ah Beng yesterday. They do not have any live pods but they sells dried copepods for 0.7 red note.
  10. http://www.aquacon.com/Sharks_saltwaterfish.html Here is one got read you can reference from
  11. Have you observed how the LFS keep the shark egg ? If i not wrong you got the egg from a LFS in the west Maybe you can give the LFS owner a call and ask the care needed during the early stage. The hardest part is to make the banded shark to eat when it hatched. Do read up on the web during this period before it hatch.
  12. That will be a huge project and planning !
  13. In terms of glass quality , canon produces better glass than Sigma. If you run thru the price list in Clubsnap forum you will notice Sigma are marketed for lower tier consumer . But photography is not about the lens or equipment . It's the eyes behind those lens , if you give an amateur the best equipment vs a pro with normal equipment . I strongly believe the latter will produce better visual impact more than the former. To improve is to train your eyes and mind to see perspective and angles others often neglect or less thought. Secondly, is to understand the capability of your equipment. Every lens and brand has their characteristic and limitation . My ISO is 1600 ( If ISO boosted more than 1600 image quality will be noisy ) Different camera sensor has different threshold for ISO. Aperture - 4.0 ( to create low depth of field ) Shutter - 1/2000 ( as the subject will sway due to wavemaker, high shutter will freeze the subject and maintain sharpness ) Practice makes perfect !
  14. i'm using macro lens , Sigma 17-70 F2.8-4 lens
  15. i think you can start planning your list of livestock during this cycling period ! Looking good ! my CFO will kill me if i have 3 tanks !
  16. Took out my DSLR and snapped some corals :
  17. carfyx

    Red Coco Worm

    From the album: CARLSTUDIO


  18. carfyx

    Green Torch Coral

    From the album: CARLSTUDIO


  19. carfyx

    Clove Coral

    From the album: CARLSTUDIO


  20. Went to Ah Beng and Pinnacle today ! Got some very small items and maxed my fish budget for this month during these 2 days trip ! Very blessed to be in this forum as some reefers are passing their frags to me as a welcome gifts Thank you very much ! Here are some corals i got from Pacific and Pinnacle today : Did some aquascaping - Left Side : Right Side : Current Full Tank Shot :
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