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carfyx last won the day on December 12 2013

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About carfyx

  • Birthday 04/17/1985

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  1. Hi All, Will be coming back to reefing after few years break as both my daughters going nursery and kindergarden soon ! If you interested in my previous set up here was my 2 feet tank >>> Currently, what i am doing now is to research and ask questions until most of my queries and problems solved before i jump into creating my tank. This set up will be during end 2018 -early 2019 because i just sold my house and while waiting for my new house to be built ( T.O.P : end of 2018 ) i will use this time to relearn all about reefing as i notice that technology has changed a lot during the 2 years absence and there are many options in the market to create a success tank. I hope to hear more opinions and solutions from the forum before i start as i will pose my questions and issues before i jump back in again ! See you soon ! Heres a brief of the tank be like : Dimension : 3 feet x 2 feet x 1.5 feet ( no sump , no chiller ) Heavily on regular WC Theme : Iwagumi Inspired by : Mikeymikemike and Takashi Amano Collection : Invertebrate / LPS / Zoas / Clownfish Reference :
  2. Sorry Bearish Cat , 4 & 10 taken - Let me know if you wan the remaining
  3. I would like to open fri afternoon 1 pm to 3 pm for collection and sat ( 8-10 am) / ( 930 pm to 10 30 pm ) Location : Strathmore Ave blk 49 Tel : 90934423 - sms me for unit number and time of arrival .
  4. Remaining Corals : #28 - Green Cloves - $30 $25 #3Green Super Luminous Gonio - $35 $32 $30 #4Purple top Green stem Gonio - $25 $22 $18 #9Brown clove - $15 $12 $10 #10Mini light green gonio - $15 $10 #19 Sand dollar - $8 #20 Orange Urchin - $8 #13 False Per Clown - $2 #14 Maroon Clown - $5 # 17 Blood shrimp from Sri Lanka -$18 $15 #7Aussie pipe Organ - $35 $30 or Take all above for $130 Please sound your interest HERE
  5. Price revision : Collection for corals (except Equipment) same as mentioned for fish . Monday 1 pm to 4 30 pm , Tue 8 to 9 pm #25 - Luminous GSP - $18 $15 #28 - Green Cloves - $30 $25 #3Green Super Luminous Gonio - $35 $32 #4Purple top Green stem Gonio - $25 $22 #5Purple green Hammer - $ 35 $32 #6Blueberry seafan - $24 #7Aussie pipe Organ - $35 #8Purple clove with golden clove - $35 $30 - $25 - Reserved by Domvonn #9Brown clove - $15 $12 #10Mini light green gonio - $15 #19 Sand dollar - $8 #20 Orange Urchin - $8 #23 golden white feather buster - $5 #13 False Per Clown - $2 #14 Maroon Clown - $5 #15 Blue Tang - $20 << not selling , my wife <3 him . LOL # 17 Blood shrimp from Sri Lanka -$18 $15 Maxspect razor 120 W 16K - $460 $420 ( used 3 months , bought from De Lighting by trading in my G2 160W , Full box with light stand and receipt , 8.5 months Warranty left ) Reservation for the remaining items on top is available now . Kindly sound your interest HERE Newbie under 100 post just PM me .
  6. Updates : Fish can be collected on Monday 3rd Mar ( 1 pm to 4 30 pm ) & Tue ( 8 pm to 9 pm ) #11 Midas blenny - $40 - Evolutionz #12 Midas blenny - $40 $38 smaller in size - Domvonn #13 True Per Clown - $5 ( picture will send to identify if it is True Perc ) - Redsun #14 Maroon Clown - $5 #15 Blue Tang - $20 #16 high fin goby with Randall pistol shrimp - $20 - 1.Mitlancer / Back up Redsun # 17 Blood shrimp from Sri Lanka -$18 # 18 Sexy Shrimp - $3 per pc - ReDDevil #24 liverock - All for $50 (8 kg bought at $13/KG) - kpn #29 Cleaner Shrimp - $5 ( this guy just molt ) - 1.Mitlancer / Back up Redsun
  7. #25 - Luminous GSP - $18 #26 - Green Yuma - $5 #27 - Orange mushroom - $5 #28 - Green Cloves - $30 Coral #1Pink Gonio - $55 #2Pink Flowerpot - $35 #3Green Super Luminous Gonio - $35 #4Purple top Green stem Gonio - $25 #5Purple green Hammer - $ 35 #6Blueberry seafan - $24 #7Aussie pipe Organ - $35 #8Purple clove with golden clove - $35 $30 #9Brown clove - $15 #10Mini light green gonio - $15 #19 Sand dollar - $8 #20 Orange Urchin - $8 #22 coco red worm - $25 #23 golden white feather buster - $5 #24 liverock - All for $50 (8 kg bought at $13/KG)
  8. #25 - Luminous GSP - $18 #26 - Green Yuma - $5 #27 - Orange mushroom - $5 #28 - Green Cloves - $30 Coral #1Pink Gonio - $55 #2Pink Flowerpot - $35 #3Green Super Luminous Gonio - $35 #4Purple top Green stem Gonio - $25 #5Purple green Hammer - $ 35 #6Blueberry seafan - $24 #7Aussie pipe Organ - $35 #8Purple clove with golden clove - $35 $30 #9Brown clove - $15 #10Mini light green gonio - $15 #19 Sand dollar - $8 #20 Orange Urchin - $8 #22 coco red worm - $25 #23 golden white feather buster - $5 #24 liverock - All for $50 (8 kg bought at $13/KG)
  9. #25 - Luminous GSP - $18 #26 - Green Yuma - $5 #27 - Orange mushroom - $5 #28 - Green Cloves - $30 Coral #1Pink Gonio - $55 #2Pink Flowerpot - $35 #3Green Super Luminous Gonio - $35 #4Purple top Green stem Gonio - $25 #5Purple green Hammer - $ 35 #6Blueberry seafan - $24 #7Aussie pipe Organ - $35 #8Purple clove with golden clove - $35 $30 #9Brown clove - $15 #10Mini light green gonio - $15 #19 Sand dollar - $8 #20 Orange Urchin - $8 #22 coco red worm - $25 #23 golden white feather buster - $5 #24 liverock - All for $50 (8 kg bought at $13/KG)
  10. Decomming for FOWLR !

  11. Reservation Update : #11 Midas blenny - $40 - Evolutionz #12 Midas blenny - $40 $38 smaller in size #13 True Per Clown - $5 ( picture will send to identify if it is True Perc ) - Redsun #14 Maroon Clown - $5 #15 Blue Tang - $20 #16 high fin goby with Randall pistol shrimp - $20 - 1.Mitlancer / Back up Redsun # 17 Blood shrimp from Sri Lanka -$18 # 18 Sexy Shrimp - $3 per pc - ReDDevil #24 liverock - All for $50 (8 kg bought at $13/KG) - kpn #29 Cleaner Shrimp - $5 ( this guy just molt ) - 1.Mitlancer / Back up Redsun I will upload pictures of the fishes tonight after the coral sales . Thank you .
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