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Everything posted by jxlex

  1. Just get super glue gel type la, wont kill ur tank la... Hahaha... BSI gel is basically Cyanoacrylates...
  2. Just so that u are aware, that glue is gel like so not like the super glue you come to commonly know... After using, wipe off any excess and cap it up properly... Throw it in the fridge and it will be fine... Alternatively you can go to any giant, hardware shop and get smaller bottles of super glue gel type... $2-$3
  3. Give it time, it will come at first sight act rapidly to control it
  4. Stupid iphone
  5. Coloration comes from: 1) nutrient control 2) lighting type & photo-period 3) time & stability 4) trace and minor elements 5) amino acids and various other proteins and stuff 6) amongst many other factors that are either discovered or still in the midst of discovery For all the points above, the easiest few things to control and look into would be for me point 1-3. 1) Given that over the years, tons of research has been done on nutrient control and also alot of products available it is very easy to manage and should be something you should focus on. Also given that hobbyist test kits are readily available, making it easier for you to identify and rectify. 2) amongst the easiest to try and error. Too much, cut down, too little extend photoperiod. That also brings us to the type of lighting in use. Why does a good lightset cost so much more than an average common one? Why certain led/mh/T5 fixtures cost above a thousand vs some that cost less then a $100? Same goes for T5 tubes (ati vs some ahchipariah brand) Lights in coral management is more than just for pure aesthetic purposes. Its a basic NEED (not want) of the corals you want to keep. Although price does not denotes quality but there should be a good reason why the manufacturers can command such premium prices. You mentioned only led causes bleaching, try putting ur frag 1" below a good T5 tube or Mh bulb, lemme noe how it does? 3) time and stability is very very important. U need to be fair and give your new purchase time to settle down after being moved from 1 place to another. Even though home grown frags have better tolerance, it doesn't mean they should be subjected to any less a good living condition. It should still be given time to stablise, get used to a new environment, get itself adjusted and nicely fitted it. we should really be more like a life partner, bf or gf to our corals and stop treating them like whores, throw them in a lousy room, and make the bucks. Bringing them home is your choice, its your responsibility to provide it the best possible conditions and environment for it (and not within your means). If u do not have the means, i think from the very start u should have left it at the lfs or the other reefers home. Its the same reason why responsible reefers emphasive on stable frags for sale. 4,5 &6) tends to be difficult to control as test kits are not readily available and research is incomplete. We know they are good but we cannot name/note the extend (in totality) as to which they are beneficial and/or detrimental to our corals yet Given the above, you should really focus on point 1-3, face the simple fact that there is a problem, man up and work on solving them. Stop adding anything else already (whethere livestock or additives)... Its not going to help bro. Solve the problem at hands, dont bet on luck or hope for a divine intervention. Even if god want you to strike Toto, u also need to make and effort to get to the betting station . look at ur tank now, u proud? The time all these folks that barely know u spent on replying to ur post, giving u advices and trying to explain is nothing but a pure act of kindness. They do not need to help you. If you do not appreciate their kind gesture, in time it will all go away. Thanks for taking time to read my senseless ramblings As usual, happy reefing bro!
  6. Coloration comes from: 1) nutrient control 2) lighting type & photo-period 3) time & stability 4) trace and minor elements 5) amino acids and various other proteins and stuff 6) amongst many other factors that are either discovered or still in the midst of discovery For all the points above, the easiest few things to control and look into would be for me point 1-3. 1) Given that over the years, tons of research has been done on nutrient control and also alot of products available it is very easy to manage and should be something you should focus on. Also given that hobbyist test kits are readily available, making it easier for you to identify and rectify. 2 & 3) amongst the easiest to try and error. Too much, cut down, too little extend photoperiod. That also brings us to the type of lighting in use. Why does a good lightset cost so much more than an average common one? Why certain led/mh/T5 fixtures cost above a thousand vs some that cost less then a $100? Same goes for T5 tubes (ati vs some ahchipariah brand) Lights in coral management is more than just for pure aesthetic purposes. Its a basic NEED (not want) of the corals you want to keep. Although price does not denotes quality but there should be a good reason why the manufacturers can command such premium prices. You mentioned only led causes bleaching, try putting ur frag 1" below a good T5 tube or Mh bulb, lemme noe how it does? 3) time and stability is very very important. U need to be fair and give your new purchase time to settle down after being moved from 1 place to another. Even though home grown frags have better tolerance, it doesn't mean they should be subjected to The time all these folks that barely know u spent on replying to ur post, giving u advices
  7. Nutrient seems abit high (i might be wrong) from the photos... Progressively increase lighting see if it helps ba
  8. Trying my luck here otherwise will be going to make one liao... Either 4x4x1 (max 1.5) or 3x3x1 (max 1.5). Anywhere in between will consider Cabinet in good quality ideal... Pm me thanks!
  9. Cheap doesn't mean u need to dose it now anyways...
  10. Fauna marine is very concentrated and actually after u spread out the cost its really not as expensive as many think it to be...
  11. Ur nutrients need to be low otherwise FM wont work for u... No point dosing anything, work on bringing ur nutrients down first... Strike a balance otherwise all these good stuff will only benefit and boost algae growth
  12. PE doesnt mean alot for sps... But i can see alot of efforts... Good job btw, monitor the algae... Have fun hopefully everything stays well! Cheers
  13. Nice... Looks like lady luck is still shining on u...<br /><br />Ur algae also power!
  14. Correct me if im wrong but from what i gathered, <br /><br />Drinking water = water good enough for drinking BUT continues to contain dissolved solids, minerals etc<br /><br />Distilled water = water than is produced through distillation and is suppose to contain nothing or close to nothing in the water<br /><br />Spring/mineral water = water collected from spring or mineral infused water. Continues to contain minerals but the former thens to be softer (more alkaline, higher ph)<br /><br />RO/DI - reverse osmosis/deIonised water... Again a process thing but suppose to show up with 0 tds and it is the water of choice.<br /><br />If using for ur tank, first option ro/di followed by distilled.<br /><br />
  15. Try Xanthidae or Mithrax crabs... Best to trap it, cook n eat
  16. Bro even got roe also too little to enjoy leh.... Hahaha....<br /><br />Me peeping?? No, they in my space doing live demo... After i flash him, his eyes blur so best be safe and show aggression to everyone!
  17. Haha.... He surely wasnt too happy.... He raised his claws at me after i went back to see them... Hahaha
  18. The environment was right, the evening was quite, lights were off and everything was just perfect.... Was doing some maintenance and suddenly saw then literally hugging each other... Pictures attached " In case u are confused... This is how crabs typically get it on... Anything to be concerned about?? Dunno to be happy or not man... -___-
  19. Thanks all for the kind and generous gesture... Got it!<br /><br />
  20. Wonderful tank and husbandry u have there bro! Pleasure meeting u!
  21. Sorry pls ignore... Not what i had in mind thanks...<br /><br />Got it from recent shipment huh?
  22. Hi guys, looking for above anyone have some to spare? <br /><br />Ideal if in the east and can collect tonight. <br /><br />Msg me 9654-five five 99<br /><br />Thanks!
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