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  1. Are u willing to sell the skimmer separately??
  2. Hi AT, K I have the password too?? Im oredi 26 and currently working. Woonming saw me before and he k testify for me..Thank u..
  3. Haha...Juz kidding la..In fact I today alway stay in left lane at 60km only...Long journey le as from bedok to jurong. Nearly fall asleep le!!
  4. Wau Piang le..so many ppls kenna ah??Hmm...but i will still travel 8okm/hr but more alert this time...heehee...
  5. Really?! Wow tats mean i still got some chance le.. At least 2nite k sleep peacefully..keke..
  6. Hmm.. the funny thing is they don't have any roadblock le.. A few of the blue boys juz sit at the rear of the police van and aiming their radar gun only.. This incident make me can't sleep for the whole aftnoon le..Must pray pray oredi...
  7. Haha!! Ya lo its very hard to maintain at 60km/hr esp when the rd is so long and quiet and no traffic light.. Very tempting le.. I last time also alway fall asleep when im the vehicle com of the driver.. Really slow le!!!
  8. Don't u guys think he is brave although he is funny?? I salute him!!!
  9. i think nowsday they are a lot of TP and all sort of this radar or lazer or watsoever guns out there.. Better keep my eyes real open and be more alert next time...
  10. wow bro lanz did u drink at tat time while u speeding??
  11. U r lucky le...This is my first time kenna this and somemore my license still under probation. Hmm...Im very sure they r shooting in my direction.Next time better drive slow oredi...
  12. Wau lau this time die liao.. 3 pts ###### 150 fine...sad sad le...I was driving a commercial van which belong to my company. I think my boss will also knw this in no time... Sian liao...hmmm...
  13. Hi, does anyone knw the exact demerit for speeding in a normal rd for 80km/hr?? Actually 2day i was driving in this long rd at woodlands ave 12 and i was travelling 80km/hr. There was a blue police van and they were using some sort of radar gun to track speeding vehicles. I think i din stop in time and genna photo by them oredi.. Does anyone genna this before??
  14. Yeah Transformer!! I miss them le..And macross, and centurian...s lot of them le...
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