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Everything posted by Morgan

  1. The only thing that look like mine is that it is sitting on the floor This tank is much muh bigger....3m X 2m x 1.3m The tank is packed.....with fishes. Look at his H & S skimmer.....comparable to CF in size It is an inspiration........ I'm going to rescape my tank to look like that.
  2. Then he should state clearly what he intended.....
  3. Very regular water change and you don't need to use anything. Provided that you have the right lighting condition and temperature.
  4. Are the cooling pipes made from copper? If you do not know why you want to take this risk.
  5. More like the size of sea...... Provided that you can stop them from killing each other in the 1st place and then get them to lays egg......otherwise how to breed.
  6. Not too sure you can breed tangs....
  7. LP Never tried out pure sodium bicarbonate other than those from Seachem reef builder. Cannot advise........but you could get reef builder quite cheap currently.
  8. You must kidding... If there are then there is no such thing tank cycling ....just load the tank with all these corals.
  9. AT You want some of very effective medication.....still have alot from the last round. Unfortunately not effective against arco feeding flatworms.
  10. He is asking for phytoplankton swop.
  11. Don't really mind the night dives but it is the afterward that is bad. Like everything's cold..wind blowing.......getting out of your wet suit and shivering .....worse still when there are no hot showers I only dive at night when it is absolutely necessary.....like the spot is the best around teaming with very interesting mirco life, there are treasures to be collected, and lastly not enough dive buddies.
  12. I personally don't think this algae is a problem as it is not 1 of those nuisance hair algae or cyano. If it really bother you to have them, simply put a tang in and it will be gone within a day.
  13. That just red algae...leave it as they are not cyano.
  14. Morgan

    CO2 Bottle

    Go to the fW lfs shop in Boon Keng Rd. It is at the traffic junction facing one of the exit of Boon Keng MRT station. He fill the bottle on the spot for $15.
  15. Norman Is that the clam you got from CF? IF it is then so sorry for your loss. Was a spectacular coloured clam. Normally small cowrie will not give problem but if it the large beautiful tiger or arabian...they might attacked if they get too hungry Found my arabian feeding on LPS once and remove it to another tank with only LR.
  16. Maybe you should start off setting up the right condition first. Then you can start to think of what you want to put into your tank. Reading from your previous post, one cannot help but notice that your tank setup can barely support LPS and you want clams and sps. You are sure to draw some negative comments.....but don't take it negatively, use the comments and read up other post as well so as to help you to setup the right tank enviroment for clams and sps you want to keep.
  17. Is the green marking above the water line or below the water line? 1.10 is too salty....you should add water to dilute it.
  18. First thing, clams are not corals. For clams to show the best colours, it is best to view from the top. The colours has something to do with lights reflecting off the mantle.
  19. Ban What powder brown? This is a AT thread.
  20. Heard that the stock will be in within the next few days.
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