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Everything posted by Morgan

  1. Hi loonz You see the file attachments box below the message window when you reply, that is where you place the your pics.
  2. Hi guys There will always be people who are new to the hobby will buy cos it looks good in their tank. Not be able to keep it alive is another matter. LFS owners are the 1 to blame for bring in such items and peddling it off to these unsuspecting hobbist. Responsible LFS owners should actually give out good advise and information on the creature upkeep and maintenance to the propective buyers. Hobbist who can provide large qty of live phytoplankton/zooplankton may be able to maintain these feather star.
  3. I'm sure AT will post a write out and pics of the trip.
  4. Hi joolye What you intend to keep in the tank will determine the type of lights to use. If you going for the very challenging small polyps coral such as acropora and such then MH will be a better choice as well as a good chiller. MH give out alot of heat. If you are keeping mainly soft corals then PL/Flourescent will do but will be good to maximized the qty of tubes you can squeeze into the hood or cover. A chiller will stablized the temp but I think you can use fans to cool. Evaporation rate will be high. Placement of corals also play a part. Those that require plenty of light will have to be place near the top..... I would advise you to find out from this or other forums or read about the type of corals and its requirement before purchase.
  5. I do not think that shrimps are found in this part of the world. They are from the Carribbean. Where else the camel back can be found locally. What I did was to use Kalk powder (the type use of calcium supplement in reef tank) mix with a little water and then apply onto aiptasia with a syringe. It work very well. Do not do this at 1 go if you have a small tank. The PH of the water will sky rocket and you have more problem than just aiptasia.
  6. Hi guys Seem to be out of sync. Too much sun Did not read previous post. x japan I think that if you Robert will be easier and also much more nearer to your place and since he offered.... Let me know your decision.
  7. Hi guys I am picking x japan up at 2 at Kranji MRT, room for 2 more if any body interested. I just suggest to Eddy that we meetup at Coralfarm first and then proceed to Neo Tiew after that. Any comments? x japan pick u up at the same side the station is. call u when I get there.
  8. I think should be there by around 2:30pm. Pls read your PM. See you there.
  9. Have many good dives Please update on the weather and sea condition over there. I maybe going up to Aur 1st Nov period. Thinking hard about this trip
  10. Hi guys So tomorrow to visit LCK FF confirm? I have to go there anyway to pickup some stuff so if anybody interested can PM me or ECBM. x japan If u are still interested to go can still pick you at Kranji MRT. Let say around 2pm OK? If Coralfarm is carrying only softie then I...........
  11. Monday when I back to office I'll post the address and contact. Not in office today, company seminar outside.
  12. It is 15"deep x 6"wide with 2 25mm drainage hole. Length? I left it to the manufacturer.
  13. They are small colonial anemone with different coloured centre. Some are green, orange, blue and many more colours. It is usually found on LR. I hope this information helps.
  14. Hi AT Yea big tanks are the way to go The tank will be place outside my house together with my other tank. Anthias What do you have or tried and diffcuilty in keeping them? Currently I have 2 dispar, 2 tricolour and 1 square. No problem with them, feeds on frozen food and tetra bit.
  15. I ordered a new tank today. It is a 6' x 2' x 2.5' 12mm glass with an external overflow box attached to the side. I ordered from a fish tank manufacturer near my working place. Downside: Do not know the completion date. The boss will let me know once it is ready. Upside: Workmanship looks good from the 3 footers at his workshop. This tank will plumb together with my FOWLR. I will be setting this one as a reef tank for LPS and some softies. For fishes intend keep anthias and other reef safe fishes.
  16. chanbi As what Tanzy posted, you have to view the clams at 90 deg to the mantle inorder for you see the brillant colours. This has to do with the way lights reflecting from the surface of the clam. You have to arrange the clam in a way that the mantle is facing almost 90 deg to the front panel glass of your tank for the colours to show.
  17. Try to catch the crab out. Any method will do. Even removing the LR and use a stick to poke them out. As for the worm, leave it but if you must use a tweezer. Donot ust your hand. Bristleworm can sting can be painful,itchy or get infected.
  18. Hi joolye You can try mushrooms and buttons polyps. Angelfish will not attacked these. These are also easier to maintain. So so water quality, temp not really critical and moderate ligthing. MH not required.
  19. Hi wsiong Very nice tank. Do not want to be wet blanket but the jewel coral (goniopora) is a very diffcuilt/impossilbe to keep coral. Although they are always very attractive and few can resist. They usually die from starvation in the aquarium after a few months. Todate, what exactly the hobbyist can use to feed this particular coral is not known. Anyway it is always good to learn from trial and error. Maybe you have better luck and keep it sucessfully.
  20. leejwa I do not think it is a coral farm. As I gether from Norvin in another thread, they are sell fishes pretty cheap and others..... Sound interesting, think I might like to check it out this Sat. Anybody interested?
  21. Clams are best view from the top. Alternatively, you can tilt the clams a little so as the coloured mantle is facing the front glass. Then you might be able to see some of the colours. Lights is very important, if not enough they turn to brownish shade losing some of the blues or greens.
  22. Check your water quality. 1 of the parameters may be off, stressing the fish. If everything is OK than try live brine shrimps. This should get them to eat.
  23. I sure know that fish tank has better vis that the waters around our islands. That is why I have not been diving in Sisters' or Hantu for almost a year. BTW where do you normally go diving?
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