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Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by Morgan

  1. Just got this purple beauty yesterday evening. Now I hope the colour will stay as this is a wild collected acro. Hon this is the colour that you are getting also.
  2. I don't have flatworm anymore but I know where to get if you want them.
  3. Use a tweezer and pick them off the sand. If you seriously want them, come to my place one evening and I'll will provide the tweezer. They come out when the lights goes out.
  4. I'll give them to you for free. But you have to catch them yourself. Got stung by them too many times. Suggestion for those of you that got stung: Use masking tape or any type of sticky tape to remove the bristles from your skin.
  5. Are you serious? I will make a ton of money selling them to you. Ok what size worms do you want? Currently those above 4" have been killed off, only small ones left. hahaha
  6. Hi NormanH Just came across this article that might interest you. Water Changes in Reef Aquarium
  7. Sorry to hear that the purple did not make it.
  8. Phang Is this the purple acros I saw? How is the condition now? How was the blue..... did it recover?
  9. Hi Norman Think you added too much calcoum chloride type of additive to increase calcium. Would advise you to change the water than add magnesium. After changing the magnesium level should be back to normal. Calcium level can only be raise slowly over a period of time. Too much too fast will cause Calcium and magnesium to precipitate.
  10. You are thinking of using one of those blue fiberglass tank right. 1 question how are you going to view? If custom made, you can ask the manufacturer to make drainage for you. So connecting to sump is not a problem.
  11. robe Is the seriatopora turning pink yet? Mine is still brownish...
  12. Wish that most of the acros there are in my tank. Oh well, just have to look harder at my tank and imagine.
  13. Tanzy They don't look too good for about a week. I dosed 3 ampoules. No water change yet and no carbon used.
  14. Hi Tanzy There was a few but I re=dose again. That was 3 week ago. Don't see any now.
  15. harlequin Can visit and see your tank?
  16. Attached is the pic of the same acro frag taken just now. It show the growth of the corallites in about a month.
  17. Yes magnesium is important but you only add it when you have problem with your calcium level. ie you overdose your calcium till the calcium level crashed. The can happen if you dose with calcium chloride. Normal water changes will replace and correct the calcium/magnesium level.
  18. Sorry guys Not fragging yet. As you can see, most are still frag. Maybe in 6 months time should be able to frag some of the fast growing ones.
  19. Phang Before the frag even start to grow, it has to adapt to the condition of your tank. If the condition is good, it will first start to encrust onto the area around the base after a few days. Some frags may not grow "branches" for a long time but just cover the LR which it is bonded to. This will take anywhere from 1 month to 3 months (at least in my case) before you start to see "branches" growing.
  20. Plastic Corals No matter what corals you are going for , basic requirement still apply.
  21. Phang There a lot of factors affecting growth rate. It is diffcuilt to pinpoint down to 1 or 2. If you can meet all the required conditions, growth would be around 1cm a month average. At least that is what I am getting. But then again not all grow at the same rate.
  22. Spade Thank for posting my tank pics. I like those last few pictures. Think that will stop people from raiding my tank?
  23. Hi victorp Currently the temp of the water in my tank ranges from 26.X in the morning to 29.X in the afternoon.
  24. 1 week and you have already stock up your tank. The diatom problem will turn into cyano problem in about 1~2 weeks time. Then your tank will really look like a big mess. Then cycling process have not even started yet and once the nitrite level should up, most if not all your fishes will comes down with ick and die. Your softie will also suffer the same fate too. What you can do to remedy this situation is to monitor your water condition daily. Change the water if nitrite is detected. Good luck.
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