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Everything posted by Morgan

  1. Nothing is Ok if you got copper......
  2. Roy you have to state out your tank water parameter clearly eg Ammoina, Nitrite, PH, KH, etc If not nobody can advise you on what to do. Does your tank have copper? If yes then you have to find the source. could it be from your diy chiller......what kind of cooling pipe did you use?
  3. Hi Roy 1st thing ...welcome to SRC. You have to resize your pic, it way too big. And I 'm not sure what you are trying to say in your post.
  4. That don't sound very good........ If the flesh start to receed, then it is dying Was the mouth open when you see it at the LFS?
  5. Sad to hear that is gone......brighter side you can use the shell for decoration.
  6. You have to use live marine algae not dried stuff. Try to get the red gracillia algae that the best other type may or may not work.
  7. Think it has to do with water quality.......if you put alot of newly made frags together...there are bound to have die off of tissue or alot of slime produced, this will degrade the water if your fitration system can't handle.
  8. da......can you post better quality pics. see also blurr
  9. You need a CA test kit...measure your CA level over a period of several days. Check the difference in reading. This is the level you need to top up over the same time period with kalk. BTW do you know what is the CA level of your tank?
  10. In my case I would throw that piece away . Maybe bleach it under the sun and use it a LR rock later. Would not like the risk of it over running the whole tank if you have a collection buttons. Maybe you can try freshwater dip......but I think this has to be done several times as when the eggs hatched you'll have a re-infestation. Too troublesome IMO.
  11. Most wild caught angelfish will not feed on flake or pellet foods initially. You'll have more chance of getting them to eat live brine shrimps.
  12. Nothing much you can do since it is in your tank.....try feeding live phytoplankton and rotifers, it may help.
  13. These are the button eating slugs......remove or kill them.
  14. If tank leak.....return it for warranty repair.
  15. Do you know what is your calcium uptake? If you do then you'll know how much Kalk to dose. Use Kalk to MAINTAIN calcium level.
  16. They don't look very nice when they get bigger. Is the fish eating?
  17. Just to correct, cardinals are not livebearers. They are mouth brooders like the arowana. The male cardinal hold the eggs in his mouth. Trying feeding them with bbs. Good luck
  18. Think your tank will fall apart from the weight of the filter. With that thing on top of the tank, where are your lights?
  19. Don't think those crabs can mutiply in your tank. The planktonic larves cannot survive without the right food. More likly they hitch hike on the LR Best method is to take the rocks out and dry them in the sun. or you can try using mini skewers and spears them in the holes.
  20. Guess you can keep until it smell bad....then it is time to throw.
  21. It'a only a meter deep....no need to dive Will not drown
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