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Everything posted by Morgan

  1. Don't understand what you mean..... Light on at night for viewing only
  2. Will post more pics later...more likely on thursday
  3. Slowly raise back the salinity level 1 ~ 2 days before you put them back into your main tank. Raising your salinity too fast can stress/kill the fish.
  4. Has anyone do that before? Can go swimming in the room...
  5. Would advise not to add copper if you already lower the salinity. You may kill your fish from stress than from ICK.
  6. OK guys Tank is a small goldfish bowl...... 8x3x3
  7. If the giant squamosa is slightly more than 1ft.....go figure
  8. This is where my pumps and return are located Right side
  9. Lit by 250W Radium when pics are taken Centre
  10. A few pics of my tank Not able to take a full tank shot, so the pics are in 3 sections. From the pic you can't see the cyano on the LR Left side
  11. Ian...the purple look shrunken, I haven't seen purple coloured ones before......post pics when it recovers.
  12. Put the food onto the tentacles.......never put it into the mouth......and you can see the tentacles bring the food to the mouth like an anemone.
  13. All glass tanks are made from float glass. Which is also sometime call window glass..and you can see that the glass has a green shade to it. So I don't think the claim as top quality is true.... For top quailty, you should get 'starphire' glass which is basically clear with only a tiny hint of green. This will cost you a bomb as they are sold in per square foot.
  14. Just to clarify....you cannot target feed elegance with liquid food. Infact liquid food is useless for most LPS. They need bigger preys. I feed mine with small pcs of shrimp meats.
  15. Hey botak......your butterfly got flatworms or something
  16. Ian I have very few fishes in the tank.....and byopsis needs alot of nutrient. Another thing is caulerpa....mine is a pest....growing everywhere......don't think the byopsis can compete with it. Post pics of your coral.
  17. They don't dyed Elegance, have not seen 1 that is coloured before.......other LPS sometime....softie definitely
  18. You should do a search on RC and then you know what is the success rate..... Nowadays elegance are not that easy to keep
  19. You can get Bartlet from ML, these are very easy to keep......eat almost anything.
  20. For a 1ft tank....wouldn't it be easier just to change water? Or you are planning not to change water at all........
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