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Everything posted by Morgan

  1. My 5 years old goni. It has grown from a single piece to 4 heads. Unfortunately, the bottom area which is the original body died due to lack of light.
  2. Been in my tank for 3 months, know that its diffcuilt. Will see how long it will last.
  3. I do not any pavona. That brown thing is a brain. Red and green dougnut.
  4. 1" baby corcea. Pic is not focus well. I like the green and blue combi.
  5. These are pics of some of the inhabitant in my tank.
  6. Hi fantom, You have to feed your coral, especially the sun and the brain. Does not look too good from the pic. The porites also look bleached. Maintaining the water quality in nano tank is not easy. I think only the very experience or those with lot of $$$ will try. Pls don't get me wrong, I'm not out to flame you.
  7. How much does it cost and where you can get it ?
  8. LiveRock Does your sun coral open its polyps to feed? A turkey blaster is like a gigantic syringe as what qixian say use for cooking.
  9. I use a tweezer to pick up the mysis and feed directly to the polyps. The disadvantage is that you get your hand wet. I would suggest that you place it at a position so that it can be easily fed. Some of forum recommend that you use the top half of a drink bottle to cover over the coral and feed from the opening at the top so as the fishes will not get to the food. Have not try it out yet.
  10. Robe Wow nice tank!! Maybe I could buy some acro and seriatopora frags from you.
  11. Hi Spiff Finally get to see your tank Nice acro you got there.
  12. Very Nice Tank. BTW how much does it cost to built this tank onsite? Look like u have to get into "it" to decorate. Do keep us updated on the progress.
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