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Everything posted by Morgan

  1. I once try killing them with a heat gun by burning them. Managed to kill off the large ones. I took out the LR one by one, using a syringe and apply a thick layer of Kalk onto the aiptasia Update: This morning everything looks OK ie. the area that was cover by the kalk the aiptasia did not reappear. I think I have to do this over a few days so as to kill those that I've missed. AT-- putting a wrasse in a reef tank, it is will be impossible to remove after that if you can see my tank. They are not consider reef safe. I put a mandarin fish in yesterday. Keeping my finger crossed and hope that it will worked.
  2. What you need to remove are crabs and mantis shrimps from the LR if you see them. Keep the rest. Another thing look out for Aiptasia anemone. Remove them without delay!!! They spread like weeds if the conditions are good.
  3. I have a problem with this pesky anemone aiptasia. Got it from a LR from Reborn some years back. At first I though I got a anemone not knowing that it will grow to such a pest. It infected both my tanks. It stings and kill corals upon contact. I bought a Copperbanded Butterfly to control the pest in my reef tank. It works and now you don't see them. For my FOWLR, the problem is getting worse. I can see so many pop out from the LR. Cannot tahan!! It is impossible to catch the copperbanded butterfly out put it into the FOWLR tank and I do not want to buy another. I decided to nuke the pest today with concentrated Kalk. LR by LR. I sure hope that I kill them all. Next anybody have solution for flatworm problem in reef tank? Seem like I am the only person that got hit with 2 of the most dreaded reef pest problem.
  4. qixian TIB service 925 operate on weekend to Sungei Buloh Nature Park. Just found out from their bus guide. Take the bus from Kranji MRT and get of at the Nature park. You have to walk about 500M to get there.
  5. With MH lighting, the choice of corals to keep widens........................... Downside Heat your water......... Heat up your room elect bill for chiller and lights Ong maybe I'll see you there. How about checking out the other FF "coralfarm" after that.
  6. Address LCK 110 Neo Tiew Crescent Near Sungei Buloh Nature Park. There is a TIB bus on Sunday (What I was told anyway) but it is better to drive there.
  7. Hey Spiff I want frags from your acros!!!
  8. AT I did not buy the clams because of light. it is where to put it after that. Premium space reserved for corals. Anyway for those who are interested in good coloured clams should go down and take a look.
  9. Hi rmx Guess there will be no adverse effect if temp does not fluctuate between 21 to 30 with light on and off. Your lighting with 2 36W PL together 1 Actinic will be good enough. Thickness of the sandbed (more than 3") will depend on whether you wand deep sand bed for filteration or just to make the tank look good/natural. LR can just pile on top of the sand bed. Cycling with a mollie can be done provided that you can find 1 that is already living in saltwater. If not then you have to slowly convert 1 from fresh to salt.
  10. Just got back from LCK FF. They have very beautiful green corcea clams at $25 a piece. The colours are brilliant green. Definately top grade. Qty are limited less than 20 pieces. Did not buy any because of space constraint in my tank.
  11. I would suggest that you buy Live Rock to add into your tank during the cycling period. You cannot get live sand from the shop. Hold off buying fishes for the moment. Temperature wise no problem but 21 is on the low side. Lighting is important if you planning on corals.
  12. Robe Nice looking Cal reactor. Your pump look like on a balancing act.
  13. Ehiem pumps are great. You will not regret using it.
  14. clownie Just wondering , have you done any local dives recently? How is the water condition? Is the vis still bad? My last local dive was last year, I was bring down 1st timers. The vis was real bad after 1.5m everything was pitch black.
  15. Spiff TRW corals and clams came from Figi when I got my acro. Pretty near where the problematic clams came from. Unrelated topic : I think you need a permit (CITES) to bring clams and maybe corals for sale. Heard of problem with AVA recently. Life stocks are going to be more diffcuilt to come in and more expensive!! sigh...................
  16. Spiff Where did you get the clams pic from? Did you read about the problem they had with clams spreading disease, dying a couple of months back on the US forums. Some of them had their whole collection of clams dying over period of 2 to 3 weeks. I not sure you want problematic clams coming into Singapore since the demand in the US may be low due to the above.
  17. Hi Guys Sad tale I have 4" Naso tang that just died for no apparent reason. I have this fish for 6 months and it is eating well and fat. Than last Saturday, it suddenly refuesd to eat and today it is dead. There no sign of infection. There other 4 surgeon fishes and 5 anthias are all OK and eating well. Still cannot figure why..
  18. x japan The fat guy there does not know much about corals and anemone. As what AT says find out about before you buy. Although LCK is pretty far off..... and getting there and not buying anything.............. I always think that anemone is only good for a spieces tank.
  19. Hi Guys Thanks for the compliment Go diving and you will find................... Don't do it in Marine Park unless you want to pay alot more than expected. Happy Hunting
  20. Loonz Did you pass? PADI,NAUI or SSI Did not see anything interesting huh. Always happen to 1st timers. Like so many thing to check, exercise to perform, keeping your bouyance................ where got time to see anything How many dives did you do total including pool? Are you going for advance?
  21. Last pic I promised Sorry for the flood. Torch and frog combi.
  22. I like the coloured clams Baby 1.5" Squamosa
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