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Hey guys I am not sure I hold or want to hold the record, maybe someone out there could have a tank more like a swimming pool with sharks. ep4546 I am basically a very lazy person so if it too hard I would give up the hobby. Seriously now, I clean the glass once a week if I up to it but then there are times I do not do it for a month. Top up water every day (no choice) That about it. Oh yes feed some of the corals every now and then. (which is not frequent enough)
Phang Water volume of my tank........2038L or 538US gal.
I really hope so. I have 5 colonys and 6 frags of acros at the moment. I do not know whether you will have similar result if the vol of water is smaller.
Not good if it peck at the clams! Too many clams in the tank
Hey Phang Might be interested in your pygmy angel, what specie is it?
The acros are in that tank. They are fine and growing. Just no luck with that 2 type of corals.
Hey guys Do not get the wrong idea. Coral cannot survive if the temp stay at 30~31 constant long term. Yes my tank gets direct sunlight from 9:30 to about 2:30 and the water temp get to about 30C in the afternoon. 32C on really hot days. But night time temp is around 27~28. I have a fan blowing 24/7. This kind of temp is not really suitable for all kind of corals. I know that fox coral cannot tahan the heat, also elegant coral. So far the rest are OK and growing.
Thanks Guys Really appreciated. I will get the contractor for the stand to do that job. Hon No problem with the free ride to LCK if you staying somewhere near AMK/Upper Thomson area. Hehehe
Thanks for the advise guys Phang Both tanks are 2' in width. Making another stand will have the same problem. I will get the stand builder to take a look and see what they can do to strenghten it. S..t!!! need manpower to move if I have to tear down. The tanks are heavy.
Hi guys I think Robe DIY skimmer cost more than $100. He is using beckett, which need a high pressure pump. He got his beckett from USA. Overall it is still cheaper to make than to buy a beckett style skimmer. Only that you have to plan it out properly. DIY with air stone will be the cheapest. If you drop by 110 LCK FF, you can see that their tanks are running DIY skimmer made from mineral water bottle!
When I built the stand, the legs are made from 1.5" square hollow stainless steel. This stand was made to take 2 tank of 6x2x2. Becos of the length, the centre sagged a little. The bottom tank actually is supported by 2 ends and not the entire area. I not sure now whether it can take the weight of a 6x2x2.5. Thinking of a alternative/solution.
I have 1 currently in my 6' tank. I have it for about 1 yr. It haressed my powder blue until the poor fish got ich and died.
That is what I though also. I think the thickness of the material use play a part. The stand already support a 6x2x2 on the lower deck. I do not think I will have a problem if I go for a 6x2x2 instead of the current size. Will test it out this weekend when I wash it.
Well tank arrived. Look OK. I might have a problem with the stand. Afraid that it might not take the weight. Now I am considering making a wooden stand to replace stainless steel. Any good recommendation? Will clean up the tank this weekend but will not setup it yet incase I decided to change to a wooden stand.
Hi wsiong I have PM you
Update I will be getting my tank tomorrow afternoon Will have to take 1/2 day leave tomorrow.
I agree to that, they are easy to keep but maintaing the all conditions are diffcuilt. Alk and Cal are the 2 most important water parameters that should be strictly followed.
I have post a short comment on the other thread. I currently using 2 Iwaki pumps. The MD55R is rate at 60 l/min is use to run my Precision Marine Skimmer. The pump is running 24/7. I got this pump 2nd hand so I not know how long the previous owner had it. The pump has been with me for more than 1 year. Recently I purchased a MD100R for circulation. This pump replaces 3 ehiem 1060. It has a dark green colour compared to the MD55. The pump is rated at 120 l/min. You have to connect the power cord to the pump. (Not provided) These 2 pumps are fan cooled. The pumps comes in hose connected type or thread type front casing. The thread type can be connected directly to pvc threaded fitting. No metal parts are in contact with the seawater, the magnetic impeller is totally enclosed in polypropylene. These pump cannot be run dry and not self priming. Noise Surprisingly the cause of noise is not from the fan that cools the pump but from the vibration. These pumps needed to be mounted to prevent this. Mine is not mounted yet. Really impressed with the performance of these pumps so far. Reliabilty so far no problem Price MD55R paid 2nd price no idea of sale price MD100R $1000+
What choice of pump you have if you have to run a high capacity skimmer? And also for circulation without using alot of powerhead in a big tank? There are very little choice for pressure rated pump for aquarium use. Interm of heat transfer to the water column almost nil, not like the powerhead where the temp of the water can increase by 1 degree or more depend on the amount of powerheads. Iwaki pumps are relatively quite and they are fan cooled or at least the MD55R and MD100R are. These 2 pumps are currently running my tank. The pump can cause alot of vibration due the speed it is working and need to be securly mounted.
hi freddy You've gone to the wrong place. It is at LCK 110 Neo Tiew Crescent. You are too late, no more available. Colours like that and that kind of price..... everyone will grab. I do not think there will be stock coming in any time soon.
loonz You want to see bare tank or what......... Just let me know when.
Update Will be getting my tank either this Wed or Thur. Went to the workshop just now. Phang PM you on the contact.
Hi AT I have just check the nitrates of the water that was in the the tub, show 0 ppm. I am using bioscience...........not too sure that it is accurate. Just for info.
bluebeard By lowering the salinity of the water, fishes does not get infected by ich and other disease. That is why some LFS may maintain their tank at that level. Fishes brought from these shops has to be acclimatize very slowly back to normal salinity. This cannot be done for invertibrate, they do not tolerate low salinity well. Normal sg for tank Fish only 1.018 ~1.025 Reef 1.023 ~1.025 This reading is also temperature dependent. BTW what at what level did the LFS recommend?
AVA has tighten the control of importing of hard coral, LR included. Some suppliers has gotten in trouble. LR is going to be hard to find for the next few months cos of that There should be no impact on soft corals and fishes importation. Maybe the suppliers are waiting for thing to cool down abit before bring in more life stock. Time to switch to a softie tank <_<