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Everything posted by Morgan

  1. AT, Do not pump your refugium to your main tank until you are sure that that was the last one you killed. Wait for 2 weeks to make sure that there are no more small ones hiding somewhere among the algae.
  2. Flatworm does not eat coralline. They are small (3mm max) dark reddish brown in colour. They cover everything making look brownish. They also stains your hand when handled. Something else is eating your coralline.
  3. Hi AT I am back! Seen the acticle about using nudi for flatworm control. Unfortunately it is not found here in LFS and I have not seen something like that during diving. Greenex sound interesting but which LFS is selling?
  4. The major different between fresh and saltwater I think is that fresh is more forgiving if you made a mistake but not for saltwater.
  5. I would not advise that clams to be kept at 31C constant. I think that would stress the clams.
  6. "Morgan, waiting for pics of your 6 footer..... " Phang, No progress on the tank at the moment. In the process of redoing my stand cos current stand might not be able to take the weight. Will update once ready. How is your main tank coming along?
  7. I will going off diving in Aur this holiday weekend. This will be the last dive trip for the year as the monsoon is just round the corner. Hope that the weather and sea condition is good up there. This trip is organised by my diving club and is basically for the new divers that are completing their open water course. Planning for a 3D/4N live on board trip next year to Anambas.
  8. Medication............Nope, not that I know of. How long to wait before replacement? actually no idea, cannot help. Last week my brain got brown jelly and it kill off some of my poci colony. Lucky it did not spread any further. touch wood It is best to remove the infected colony from the tank, which I did not do out of stupidity.
  9. I do not think that sun coral cannot be place under strong lighting. I have mine expose to direct sunlight for 4 hr each day. The important thing is to feed them regularly.
  10. LiveRock Brown jelly wiil not spread to mushrooms. It only affects hard corals.
  11. How long have you kept the sun coral? Did you feed it? What you are experiencing is a disease "brown jelly" and sorry to say this but chances of survival is very slim.
  12. What AT say is correct. Surgeonfishes are very prone to stress. They also need alot of swimming space. They are also very territorial (powder blue, brown, clown,achilles, sohal) new fishes will alway be attacked. Try not to keep more than 1 if you have a small tank ie under 3' Blue Tang are easier and can be keep in group but they grow very fast so space is important.
  13. Hi kelstrom You guessed it.......... so far no problems accept that it take 4~6 hours for the sediment to clear. I used about 2/3 of the water and stored the balance. Anyway better get back to your topic RO/DI water.
  14. I do not think a small goby will do much harm to the sand and mircofauna. Your is a 5 footer. I think you should keep it. If it is a wrasse then it is a different matter.
  15. Thank Phang, sorry cannot take up your offer. The pygmy angel is not good for me at the moment. Tank not setup yet. See if anyone else interested.
  16. Hi kelstrom I use to buy coral life saltmix in a box about $50. This will made 150 USgal of water. I posted the vol of my tank in another thread, anyway it more than 500 USgal. I currently get NSW by the truck load (~ 400 gal) delivered to my house for only $60. The water is not filtered, straight from the sea.
  17. I use method 3 before I switch to NSW. I mix 50 gal and circulate for half a day before it goes into the tank. No problem encountered using mrthod 3 but have to switch to NSW becos of cost.
  18. Hi jason See your other post. I think the problem is with your water.
  19. Sorry to hear that Check all your water parameter esp nitrite and PH since your is a new tank.
  20. Read this article on calcium http://www.advancedaquarist.com/issues/mar...ar2002/chem.htm Hope it help.
  21. The address you requested: Best Chemical Pte Ltd 60 Senoko Rd S'pore 758124 Tel 67552400 You can only add only so much calcium to the water before it crash. Sound like that what happen to your water condition right now. Do a search and read up on the calcium/magnesium relationship saltwater.
  22. Topping water only replace evaporate water. Waste products from fishes does not get evaporate with the water. Water changes is still required to dilute all these waste accumulation.
  23. Suggest you buy a pvc ball valve and regulate the water flow. This will reduce the noise. It work for me. It the ###### of air that cause the noise.
  24. Kalk is calcium hydroxide. You can try to purchase from "BEST Chemical". I think I got mine from there. Not too sure whether they sell to public. Paid $20+ for 500 gm. You have to handle with care avoid breathing the dust as it is a very fine powder. It has a ph of about 12.
  25. Baracuda...... Thanks for the offer I will take up it up someday. Guys As for ride to LFS, no problem can be arrange. But sitting space is very limited, own a very small car 600cc only not a merc. As for my stand, waiting for the contractor to come and take a look and see what he recommend.
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