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Everything posted by Morgan

  1. Morgan

    Green Mantis

    It is the green coloured 1 in Tanzy pic. The pistol shrimp in the container have already died and fed to my fish.
  2. Hey harlequin Are we invited to view your new acquisition?
  3. Morgan

    Green Mantis

    While nuking my tank, manage to remove a green mantis shrimp about 2". It is now in a small container. Whoever wants it please PM me or it will be fish food.
  4. Yeah! We have a blast. I would like to thank AT, Tanzy, Rumor, Dodo and Pacificbetta for their help. Without them I would not even want to consider nuking my tank. Manage to complete everything. It was back breaking. I am sure the guys would agree. Hope that the last time I see flatworm in my tank.
  5. harlequin How big are they?
  6. Hi nanno Keep it under intense sunlight (outdoor tank) and circulation. Keep calcium around 420ppm (last measured) Keep alk high (did not measure) I have a DIY cal reactor and also I am now mixing calcium hydroxide as top up water everyday.
  7. I was on a diving holiday in the Mauritus, when typhoon hit the island. You will not believe the destruction until you see it. It is like what robe described. The whole island turn into one big rubbish dump. What a holiday.
  8. The colours of the acro did not really show up. The tips are actually purple. I took the pic to show the growth rate after 3 months. I think it looks like the tri colour that tanzy has and it comes from the same place. Maybe it was a frag from that colony.
  9. Morgan

    DIY MH

    Hi barra What is the wattage of the 20KK and how much you paid? Thanks
  10. Ian No it is not the glass of your tank. It has to do with light reflecting off the mantle. Best is to view the clam at 90degree to the mantle then you see all the flourscent colours. Try tilting your clam a little towards the front of your tank and you will see the different.
  11. Attached is the pic of my acro frag. Got this frag 3 months ago. It was just 2 stump and bleach white in colour with very light green polyps. Now it has sprouted a nos of branches. Overall size of the frag is just 2" only.
  12. Read about it on RC but it is not avialable here. I think you have to wait a long time or forever as you still cannot find it online. Not sure whether this product is launch onto the market yet or just random selected testing.
  13. Just an update: I got AT, Tanzy, Rumor, dodo and pacificbetta coming over to help.... So will see you guys this Sunday. Many Thanks guys.
  14. Looks like a male Lyretail anthias - Pseudanthias squamipinnis to me. Another anthias that is occasionally available is pseudanthias carrberryi. It is pink and yellowish orange in colour. Got 2 from Neo Tiew.
  15. 316 SS will still corrode but slower. It will not be good for sea water. Iwaki pump wetted part are made of plastic as they are chemical pump. No metal comes incontact with the water.
  16. Happy New Years Guys Thanks chanbi. Hong definitely not with cyanide, I am only killing flatworms, not the whole tank. harlequin is just kidding.
  17. Today is New Year Eve, so it not too early to wish everyone here A Very Happy and Prosperous New Year
  18. wedgee, Thanks. Hope my die off is minimum. harlequin, you can supply cyanide? Pics, I am sure Tanzy will take some.
  19. Hi guys I will be nuking my 8' tank this coming Sunday. After much deliberation and probing from AT, I 've decided to bite the bullet and do it. Get rid of those buggers once and for all. There are million and millions of them. They covered almost all the LR making everything look brown in colour. Target to finish the whole operation within the day. I'll will have to remove all my corals 1st. AT, Tanzy and Rumor volunteered to help. Probably AT or Tanzy will be taking pics of the whole event.
  20. From the pics, I think he is going to lose half of the fishes in about 3 weeks, and the gorgonians in about a month. And he will be coming to the forum and ask why his fishes die.
  21. Hey nanno Are you letting go of your corals too? I'm interested in your acros if you are.
  22. Suggest you brush up on your swimming first. The course would be much easier and safer too.
  23. Yes, and if you have a strong powerhead, you'll get a fountain of water shooting out of you tank and onto your floor. The powerhead will cause the water at the surface to churn and also might spilled out of the tank too if your water level is too high. Not really recommended unless you know what you are doing.
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