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Everything posted by Morgan

  1. Candy Cane Caulastrea spp.
  2. Hey Rumor Not bad getting to be an expert. But seriously it is an over kill to get so many test kits. Changing your water frequently and you don't even need the test kits.
  3. Wattage/gallon rule does not apply. Go for max. Preferably 400W lamp for every 2' coverage. You'll get good colours. Anybody tried 1KW lamp?
  4. Update 6 days after. Saw a few flatworm in my 2 ft tank which was attached to the big tank a couple of days ago. Couldn't find them now. No time to look for them today, will check tomorrow. Did not see any flatworms in the tank. Overall everything look OK and returning to normal. The treatment did not really affect the LPS. They are the first to return to their normal state after 2 days. Happy to report that I have only lost 6 small acros frag of 3 species and 1 montipora. These are the ones that bleached. They lost their tissue from the 3rd days onward. My 6 colonies of acros and numerous small frags of several species of acros and pocillopora have return to normal. They are showing good polpys extension. I consider the whole operation a big success. Like to say a Thank You to the guys that help me.
  5. qixian Go to the project nuking flatworm thread. It is explained over there by AT. The procedure is very effective against all flatworms including those that are normally found on plate corals. swfish is suppose to sponsor $7 worth coral for this "experiment" instead he chicken out say that he will get $7 worth of flatworms. I will be waiting for his flatworms supply if he can get them. swfish if you are reading this, I am still waiting for your flatworms.
  6. Looks like a lobophyllia. Nice colour.
  7. Out of topic. Flatworm that plague the tank does not hitch hike on fishes but maybe could be in the water. At least I know my 2 mandarin does not eat flatworm.
  8. Hi swfish If you are willing to spend $7 for corals that is infested by flatworms and giving it to us I do not mind taking them. More would be much better. There are alot of space to fill. The worms will be dead within 20 mins, and it will be flatworm free and into my tank it goes.
  9. jason How long have this calm been in your tank? Any sign of growth ie do you see new shell growth. New growth are white in colour. If it growing then everything is fine. Expansion of the mantle does not indicate growth. Too much expansion point to lighting intensity is not enough. If you have it for several months and no growth then the clam could be starving or your calcium and alkilinity level may not be correct.
  10. Not a good idea to use an elegance. Tried injecting Kalk into the those buggers, not very effective and also not easy to do. Big ones you could inject even deflated but small ones......... Realise that after injecting, some of them are still alive. Tried Kalk paste, also not sucessfull. Manage to kill off the large ones but then after that I have a population bloom of small ones. It is the tiny bit of flesh that is left behind, turning into individual aiptasia. In the end, I gave up and soak everything with fresh water. That definitely kill them for good.
  11. Morgan

    Egg crate

    Tanzy You're too heavy It was not meant to take that kind of weight.
  12. Morgan

    Green Mantis

    Tanzy No takers so far, going to be fish food soon. Pity not big enough to cook.
  13. Jason Your pic is too big, problem displaying on my monitor. Anyway the coral is alveopora. Goinopora has more than 12 tentacles.
  14. It just a black coloured sea cucumber that feed on detritus on top of the sand thus keeping the sand cleaned and white.
  15. Yes you have to worry about it. They spread pretty fast under good condition. My advise is to kill them off immediately. Don't wait.
  16. Hi nanno The tank got direct sunlight from about 0900 to about 1430. So you can say it morning sun. Any longer and my tank will boil.
  17. Pics are located in "Project Nuking Flatworms"
  18. Yes, using natural light. See pics of my tank that AT took during the nuking of flatworms last Sunday.
  19. Thanks yazid. Will have to rearrange the LR and corals abit to hide the pvc pipes. Can't tell from the pic but up close not so nice. Long way more to go........... as you know you will never be satisfied. Always need to rearrange.
  20. What is the size of the fish? If it too small, less than 3"......... may not eat aiptasia (large ones). Good Luck
  21. Pic of my tank. As you can see the water has not really clear up yet.
  22. Hey guys, The water has cleared up alot. You can now see everything. Not crystal clear yet. I took half day leave to arrange the corals, the blind placement wasn't that good. A couple of acros frags look abit bleached but overall everything still looks OK. I will try to get a pic to post.
  23. yazid There is no such thing as "my aiptasia is gone". With the copper band around, the aiptasia population is controlled. Once the fish is removed, those buggers will come back.
  24. harlequin Why are you always recommending cynanide? I think it must be your favourite medication. Sure would like to see you do it to your tank. yazid You can try a copper band, I have one that clear up my aiptasia after that it didn't even bother the corals and clams. It may starve if it refuse to eat after the aiptasia are gone. I tried kalk, don't really work. You kill off the large ones but there are hundred of small ones that you missed. Best way is to kill the LR by fresh water soaking for a few hours and then washing them clean. Major overhaul. If not you can only control but will not get rid of your problem.
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