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Everything posted by Morgan

  1. It all depends on what type of acro you have. All my acro have their feeding tentacles extended at night after lights out..
  2. Hi Steno Think your pics orientation is wrong. The first pic show the growth after 65 days in your tank rite?
  3. Sorry to hear about it. I know the hassle you go thru as I also have that kind problem not once but twice, and both times it happen to the main tanks.
  4. Yes it is rather ex. I would not like to post the price here.
  5. Got this beauty today. I think the better and nicer ones are with Phang Will try to capture another pic from a different angle tomorrow.
  6. It is to setup a wading pool. With mangrove trees on one side. I am just kidding. Actually I will be using it to replace my old broken 6' glass tank.
  7. It is pot life. That mean how long you can use the stuff after mixing before it harden.
  8. Hi pet It will be a cheap epoxy alternative to use if it is completely reef safe. Safe for human does not mean safe for reef. Some questions Have you tested it out yet? "Cure time of 2 hours" is that fully cure time? What is the pot life like?
  9. As for the colour, it depend on your lighting and nutrient in the water. If what you have is a brown coloured sps, then I don't think the colour will ever change. Probably you can enhance the colour by using actinic lights. Good luck.
  10. I don't think you can leave the lights on for 24 hrs a day. They also need rest period. Some sps only extend their polpys to capture prey only when the lights are out. Food in term of photoplankton and zooplankton are important to their growth as well as water quality.
  11. mv31 you're in deep sh.. now spade, what seminar? Am I suppose to conduct one? kais/junlover I don't feed my clams. Good lighting is enough. I also don't add supplement either. One thing to note is to maintain high level calcium and alkilinity.
  12. Main Tank (Fishes) 1 coral goby hitch-hiked on an acro Main Tank (Inverts) A few pistol shrimps (hitch-hiker) 8 acros crabs (hitch-hiker)
  13. Now I got someone changing my name. <_
  14. Would advise you stop adding any more fishes into your tank until you read up more about this hobby. You can find alot of information in the past post which will explain alot of the questions that you have in mind.
  15. AGM65 Post specification of your tank.
  16. PLEASE RESIZE YOUR PIC Could you please put all of them in the same thread instead of starting a new one.
  17. Hi AGM65 How to comment when there are no pics.
  18. Phang If you intend to dose your tank, you can follow Tanzy instruction but prepare to change more than 50% of the water. You also need a super efficent skimmer. Guess you also have to run plenty of carbon too. Best is to do dipping, less stress to the corals. Anyway all this has to be carried out in 2 phase. The 2nd time is about 2 wks later, that is when you'll find flatworm again. Guess these are hatched from eggs in the LR.
  19. Robe, have to agree with you on this. I think the colour may not be easy to maintain. Got a feeling that it will fade to brown very easily if the lighting condition is not good.
  20. Hon I have pink poci but not the ones that spiff got. Mine's still brown in colour. You can see from the second pic on the left side.
  21. Nope, don't see any. This is a second pic from the top.
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