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Everything posted by Morgan

  1. Pray hard that it will go away Don't feed the tank for a few weeks, might go away but no guarantee Massive and regular water change might help also.
  2. So generous Anything to contribute to my tank........beside fishes
  3. Think it is a natural cycle..... Mine go that direction about once or twice a year...... Keeping the parameter stable will prevent it from happening so frequently
  4. If you got no money for the test kits will be best you don't even add pickling lime.....you might lose all your LS.....
  5. It is food grade.......too much impurities......long term usage you don't know what will happen. Unless someone has tried it out on the sps tank and after a few year can report that everything is still fine.....then it would be a cheap alternative.
  6. Did the rack so that can use lesser LR and also save some money..........don't know who else use pvc for support
  7. Don't know where you can get it but think it will easier if you just buy kalkwasser The impurities it contain is much higher.
  8. WHOA.........DA giving advise on DA Just kidding......can't resist
  9. Here is a pic of my old rack. I have changed it to a single tier.
  10. As what AT has mention...eggcrate will cause obstruction to fish swimming.....and they are weak if not properly done as it will crack if you got to pile alot of LR on top of them. I am using pvc pipes for legs and eggcrate for top covering. The bulk of the weight of the rocks are supported by the pvc legs Use pvc glue which is available at most hardware shop
  11. Usually they come in together with your LR And they will multiply in the tank after sometime.
  12. Most likely will be copperband and yellow long nose...these don't eat corals.....but they feed on crustaceans and worms.....sometime will attack your precious clams
  13. If you want fireworm/bristleworms you can catch them from my tank yourself After you get 'prick' by them you will reget and wonder why you want them in the 1st place
  14. Kalk paste don't seem to work for me......yes the shrunk up and seem to disappear but then they return after a month or 2 Don't know about peppermint shrimp but large copperband butterfly are very effective....down side is that after the aiptasia are gone the fish is going to starve unless you can get them to eat other type of food. You cannot put tubeworms together with butterfly.
  15. I don't agree.....for example if you buy a fish at a good price from a LFS which has given you at a discount cos you are their regular......you can't expect the lfs to give the same discount to everyone that walks in. So by listing the price here...you may cause some misunderstanding between the new buyer and the lfs as he/she may demand the same price.
  16. tigershark If you decided to inject CO2 into your tank water...make sure that you have a solenoid valve connected PH monitor.......PH must not drop below 7.8.(think that about the lowest you can go without causing any problem) MarineLive Do search on caulerpa...this is the most common type.
  17. Hey it is macro and not micro When they change colour....turning from green to translucent white and your water look cloudy and polluted
  18. Don't think you need CO2....at least mine don't These are algae not plants.....and although they so require CO2, don't think it is advisable...........you might get a tank full of hair algae if your nutrient is high like in freshwater Another point....you will lower the ph of the water which is not good for the inhabitant of your tank.
  19. Are these the glass beads used for sandblasting purposes? Should be useable as a sandbed as it is inert. Nitrifying bacteria can't tell the different between coral sand or glass beads.....they just need a surface to grow. Think you should be able to find some info on this in RC. Rememder reading about it somewhere.
  20. Base on your description, think you are mixing gobies with blenny and dottyback Find out exactly what type of fishes you really want. Putting different type of the same species is not really advisable for dottyback and blennies ... will depend on the species
  21. Yes it cost around that price...thought that you'll be rich enough to afford that... Sure you want a butterfly in your reef tank?.....All the abundance of food (live corals)...the butterfly will never go hungry.
  22. Saw a small black tang (1.5") at ML if you are interested.
  23. Key Factor to their survival I think is food..... which we can't provide most of the time. I have another specie of gonio which has been with me for 6yrs already and doing very well. It is more of a branch type and has grown from a single pc to multiple heads.
  24. DA...don't give people the idea that goniopora can be kept alive in a under skimmed tank. It would be best to state like yazid that he read it somewhere.......like who hasn't.....and still can't keep it alive.
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