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Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by Morgan

  1. Does it look like very thin plastic like sheet? Or is it rotting mucus? If mucus, my advise is to throw the whole piece away.
  2. If it is hiding for so long...most likely they are dead. You have to find them and remove....if not going to pollute the water.
  3. Post a pic of the leather to show its condition. It maybe nothing wrong just that the polyps are not opening.
  4. Then your problem is solved...get those people at home to do the maintaining of the tank for you.
  5. You don't mind stranger going into your house Maybe you'll come home to an empty place after your holiday.
  6. Can't be 6x6 that size huge. Sure the floor will not collapse?
  7. Red colour spectrum is the 1st to go....that why most deep water fishes and invert are mostly red. They look black or grey in colour without artifical lighting. Noctrunal fishes are also red ....look at squrriel fishes.
  8. I think copperband is a better and cheaper choice but the problem is getting them to eat other food after the aiptasia are gone.
  9. Take out the flesh and throw away...it is aready dead. Snails cannot leave its shell not like hermit crabs.
  10. Trimmed I mean pull off and throw away the excess, these caulerpa grow very fast. If you let them grow till it cover the whole tank...chances of the whole colony crashing is very high These algae are supposed to use the nutrient in the water so supplement is required.
  11. You don't need to turn on the lights for 24/7 for it to survive. I have them in my tank......they are not too diffcuilt to keep....keep them trimmed or they over run the tank. Something is wrong with your water if you keep having this problem
  12. Got 1 swimming in my reef tank. It is not safe with tube worms or shrimps and may bother clams if you are unlucky.
  13. You have to get a big copperband or else it may not work....the fish IMO has to be more than 3" before they are able to tackle those big aiptasia. Got my fish from yazid, it cleared away my few aiptasia within a few days. He trained the fish very well....to the extend of being very tame and can be hand feed with shrimps .
  14. Saw the AT earlier this evening, some are in the tanks....others are are still in the bags........very tempted to get another but then decided not to as it will surely fight with the one I'm having right now. Will probably lose both fishes if I buy This is a fish that is definately for those whose has big tank that is not crowded wiith other fishes Just to update My AT It is doing very well and it is not even afraid of people. Can be hand fed. I feed it once a day with shrimps or BS. Rest of the time it is feeding on algae on the LR.
  15. Try to provide as much light as possible....go for MH if you can. Alternative is to put in as much T5 as you can squeeze on top of the tank. As for feeding, you can get live phyto from the sponsor or from most LFS under the brand name DT. Health of clams is diffcuilt to judge...see that they don't over extend their mantle, colours not fading or faded, intake siphon open too wide etc..............it also depend on the clams species and the original colours too. Clams cannot move like scallops but can shift its position but this is limited. You can always tell whether it like the position is that it put sticky thread to the LR to anchor itself.
  16. Physogyra lichtensteini Small bubbles, not too nice to look at.....colours are also not so impressive The bubble I'm referring to are highlighted below. They belong to another species group. Plerogyra sinuosa Big bubble, this has a few colour variation and cateye comes under this category. Plerogyra simplex Branching bubbles....seldom seen and not so colourful, usually comes in shade of brown. Hope this will clear the doubt
  17. Only 1 type....a few colour variation
  18. Didn't realise that there was a queue.......then you better give a nos.
  19. Hey if you are not using it so soon.......can I drop by your place to collect it so as I can use it to run my tank? Just kidding Nice pump....can only dream but cannot afford.
  20. The ends are not sealed in my case and also I have holes drilled into the pipes Don't think there are "dead water" in the pipe
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