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Everything posted by Morgan

  1. As you probably know, most snail feeds on marine algae...some are scavengers and some are predators. The two type of snail you mention feed on algae but not all type of algae. The beautiful cowries species diet consist of mainly green algae...some even feed on sponges. They smaller species are not so easy to keep compared to the larger tigers and the arabians. These large cowries need alot of food to survive. Don't think that cowries can do well in a high nitrate water as they are found in the clean water of the reef environment.
  2. Get/buy some macro algae and place them in there it to grow.....the algae are basically use for nutrient export. The algae can be grown in the main tank if you don't have fishes that eat them. You don't have to add fertilier (solution).....like what they normally do for freshwater.
  3. Correction, not all wrasse burrow into the sand at night Think the flasher is one of those that don't.
  4. Don't think that you are suppose to do that...the water will cool down faster before the main tank. Think your chiller will cut in and out all the time. What is the drip rate or control on the reactor? MD55/70 may not have sufficient water to be split 3 way. It all depend on the flow rate you set for each outlet Make sure to put your skimmer high enough for the water to return to the reservior. That it going to sleep...don't want to think anymore.
  5. Think you don't have enough lights for elegance.....what about your water temperature? Do a search on elegance...there is a thread on their upkeep
  6. You been to quite a few already......you should be able to get something from 1 of them You miss out T95
  7. Would advise you to remove some of them so as the whole colony will not crash. It is a good way for nutrient export.
  8. Wah....want to help yourself some more... Sure you want?...Too late
  9. Hon Colours very nice.....when can come over to raid huh?
  10. Hon No problem...just drop a big piece of LR onto it and you'll have many many frags. You can sell them too.
  11. Hon how about me helping you to frag your tri-colour
  12. Due to a minor accident. I now have a piece of approximately 4" by 2.5" monti cap for sale. Colour is brown with blue rim. I'm selling it for $25. Collection at my place. PM me if you are interested.
  13. Dino Sorry to hear about the loss.
  14. Blenny for $250? Have yet to see one that demand that kind of pricing
  15. Yazid what if your wife ask you the same question
  16. Haven't seen this skimmer action before so cannot rate it. Anyone care to comment.
  17. This one of the bubble species which has identical polyp mantles to the fox coral, Nemenzophyllia turbida, This species is seldom seen in LFS and frequently label as fox. You can see the bubbles on the polyp when it is half open but is bearly visible when full expanded. I have attached a pic, this was taken just now but it has not full expand. Will try to take a pic when fully expanded to show the resemblence.
  18. Think he is going into coral farming So he need alot of space for alot of smaller tank like those you see in CF. It is going to be factory in his room
  19. edwincis...maybe you should state what type of skimmer you have... This product removes NO3 by skimming.........
  20. Sorry can't advise on this as I have never had this problem before. Do a seach on AZ NO3...this product might work but you'll need a super effective skimmer.
  21. If it is only NO3 then you don't have to worry too much provided that you did not meddle with your sandbed or filter. The reading will slowly drop as the bacteria get to work. Changing water will be a good option if the reading keep getting higher. Alternative you can try out some of the nitrate removing product.
  22. Sun coral does not feed on DT.....they require more meaty type food like brine shrimps, mysis and others.
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