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Everything posted by wilfred_yang

  1. Have been using JBJ Ocean Duo Pulse with New wave pump for a year pulse so for no problem.
  2. Close on Mon & Tue. Wed to Fri, open from 12:00 till 20:00 Sat & Sun 09:00 till 20:00
  3. Reef tank setup for a year. Parameter Salinity 1.024 Nitrate 1ppm Phosphate 0.1 KH 11.0ppm Ca 430 Mg 1350 Please ID and advise. Thanks
  4. I am interested in the 2 pic when can collect. Sms 83834081.
  5. Can try West Coast Aquarium. They carry most of the Red Sea Products.
  6. West Coast Aqurium have the 7kg bucket.
  7. Bro, I am using Aiptasia-X from Red Sea. Got it from Lfs at West Coast market.
  8. Bro, What flow rate pump to use
  9. hi, interest in the Rics. appreciate u sms 83834081. Thks!

  10. bro, can i have one packet of your CaribSea Arag. sms me (83834081) for collection.
  11. Anyone that had brought the tank care to comment on the quality.
  12. can post picture of the HNS Denitrator

    use for how long

    why sell

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