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Everything posted by dreamlover

  1. Yes bro, AM does sell nsw, a few LFS also have, CF, iwarana, lck...
  2. Mind asking wat's the 1st coral?
  3. Letting go at $850. Any1 interested pls pm me.
  4. Omg, ur sales also make me dreaming of my new tank. Got to tahan! :chair: Raid ur tank when the time comes. Upz for u bro!
  5. Very nice and gd collection u have. Any frags for sale?
  6. no worries bro, there's no other meaning for me, sry if u have misunderstood. Love this Monti long ago but no time to go to the east to buy from prof ang so if west area bro have would be more easy for me to collect.
  7. So much drooling zoas to choose from. Upz for a nice bro!
  8. NSW is cheap but might not be convenient, without own transport it's very difficult to carry them back hm, unless have a big storage bucket at hm can call for delivery which will be worthy.
  9. Selling on behalf for my friend, letting go at $1000, reason for selling is converting to FOWLR. Used for 1year and 6months, servicing done 1 month ago with changing of control panel. Still got half a year warranty, bought from AM. Collection will be at bukit panjang. Pls pm me if u're interested, will arrange for u to meetup.
  10. Bro the person who bid and post nearest to the closing time will get the bid, even at the same min, the 1 who post later win by seconds. Happy bidding. Bro thairun, correct me if I'm wrong. Thanks.
  11. Let's start the ball rolling, I bid $10 for no.1 and 3.
  12. All nice zoas u have bro, Upz for u.
  13. Upz for the weekend.
  14. Have the following types of zoas all at a few frags each for trade, can trade with zoas or montiopra that I like or dun have. --> Green zoas --> Orange outer inner purple zoas --> Orange zoas --> Pinky with green center. Bros who prefer to buy rather than trade are also welcome. Place to trade is cck.
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