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Everything posted by schnauzer

  1. the iceprobe can only cool a 2ft tank the most. and only 2oC the most so i dun recommend.
  2. hi, where and how much did u buy for your miracle mud? thank you
  3. Hi, For my 2ft tank the temp is 29oC to 31.8oC ,but the coral does not die . i ever read a book that say some coral can tolerate high temp some dun so i think may be my does. hee hee ( cross finger)
  4. hi, can u post a pic of your reactor? does it have to use with CO2 ? does it come with media?
  5. my wife is a nurse, so i ask her to get one for me. just cut a hole on top and pour the kalk into it, you can also set to drip for a drop per second.
  6. hi robe, i saw the reactor you've made, very well done. btw wat did you use for the media? aregonate sand? and how much have you spend for all the plastic & pump? thank you
  7. hi, i've use a drip to use as kalk doser, very useful
  8. hi all, i'm totally new to this site, does anyone here use ecosystem method? thank you
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