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Everything posted by ARMOURSHRIMP

  1. Decom. Some Live rocks 2 Clown fish 1 sand goby 1 cleaner shrimp 1 black clown goby fish 1 illum Gsp small frag. All for $30. Deal at chai chee only. Sms or whatsapp me at :94287652
  2. Left sand goby, clown fish, black clown goby and Gsp.
  3. Sand goby, emerald crab, clown goby and goby+shrimp reserved.
  4. Selling 2 common clown fish. $4 1 sand goby $3 1 Emrald crab $10 1 goby + alpheus pistol shrimp $10 1 black clown goby $2 small frag of GSP (lumi) $10 Jebao Sw2 wavemaker $20 Collect at chai chee Street. 94287652
  5. Pls let me know price and model. Thank you.
  6. Why dun buy from bro here? kind of expensive.
  7. Hi, looking for 2 ltrs of di resin. Pm me or leave a msg here. Thanks.
  8. I used to have around 5-6 of sexy shrimp in my 2 feet for 1 year plus. No, they didn't disappear. Tough guys i said.
  9. Where did u buy the chiller from? Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  10. Got about half packet Dymax reef salt to give away (around 2-3kg) collet at chai chee street... after 0730pm. Thank you.
  11. All sold. Sorry to those i did not reply, Mod pls close thread... Thank you.
  12. Add in hang on skimmer . Resun 300. Only for pico/nano tank. $20.
  13. Update... live rocks $8 4 sexy anemone shrimp $6 pom pom crab $5 goby + 2 white/red pistol shrimp ($15) 3 of them share one burrow in my tank. WIll only clear live stocck after live rock sold... First pic is the goby.. 2nd pic of live rock in 2 feet tank.
  14. Left pair of maroon clownfish.... the rest reserved ...
  15. A pair of maroon clownfish(not golden).$15 Lawnmover blenny .$5 skunkshrimp(around 1 inch)$6 Sun coral $10 East area (chai chee).
  16. Only sun coral in my tank,yes its doing fine...
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