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Everything posted by IIIEEE

  1. Hi Guys The reactor was sold and collected last night by a steady bro. There were too many enquiries I may have missed out on replying some of the PM. Pai seh! Thanks! Only left with Auto feeder.
  2. Hi I have the following items for sale. 1. Ehiem Auto Feeder : $40 Used about a year 2. 2 littleFishes Phosban Reactor 150: $40 together with half bottle of Rowaphos left. in store room for a year. PM if interested. Thanks!
  3. Skimmer sold to a steady bro. left with wavemakers.
  4. Hi I have some equipments for sale. PM me if you are interested. FCFS basis. Item 1: 2 units of Sicce Voyager 4 with Wave Sufer controllers ( 2 Wavemakers are about 1 yr plus. Wave sufer brand new, never use before. Bought during Aquarama 2011. ) - Price SGD 180 Specs as follows: Features: - 1,600 gallons per hour - 14 watts - Dimensions (excluding bracket): 3 5/8"L x 2.5" W x 3" H - CE & UL listed - 3 year warranty (Box states 3 yrs) - 360 degree pump rotation - Adjustable pump body, rotates and tilts - Support w/ magnets and suction cups - Water capacity regulator Item 2: Skimz Monzter E Series SM251 - Internal - SGD 350 (Also 1 yr plus) Technical Data: • Skimmer pump: 2 Skimz ES5000 needlewheel • Power consumption: 40W • Air intake: 1920 l/h Dimension: • L 286 x W 286 x H 570mm • Skimmer body diameter (mm): 250 For Aquariums: • 1000 - 3000 litres Installation: • In sump version
  5. Hi all it is just the cabinet.. It's the same one tat you can see on DE lighting website.. Never use before.. Was placed beside my main tank with nothing in it.
  6. Hi all I have a 1.5ft cabinet for sale. almost brand new black colour, the cabinet is for the mini 80 from dr evil. Price is sgd 140. Pm me if interested. Thanks!
  7. Hi all selling a G2 maxspect 110w previously bought from Goofish about 1 month back but due to change of plans decided to sell it. Price at $300. I bought it for $320 one mth ago. Goofish used it for about 6 mths. Interested PM me. Thanks!
  8. Hi i bought this BR 140 from Madpetz in June. Now selling for sgd 150. Please sms me at 83230588 if interested. Thanks!
  9. Can someone pm me the price for purple tang and asfur at ah Beng? Thanks!!
  10. Looking to sell off my Bubble Magnus NAC 9. Rated up to 2000L I bought this skimmer at the end of Feb. Reason for sale: Upgraded to a bigger skimmer. Selling @ $ 170. Please PM if you are interested. Thanks!
  11. Hi Bro, I am interested in your Hydro 5 and 1 Tunze. You can text me at 9770 1338.

  12. Dear all, I am thinking of replacing my coral chips with biohome. I remove 1/4 of the coral chips and placed 2 kg of biohome into the sump. I noticed that one of my fish actually has a bit of fin rot. Hmmm. Could it be due to ammonia spike?? Can someone advise on the procedure of making the change? Another question would also be, I am planning for a refugium. Can I just get some Chaeto and have an LED light set to shine on it for 24 hours? Or it will be better to be on a revise cycle. Thanks for your advise
  13. Roger that, I guess I will really wait a while before adding more fish... I will try to change 20 percent this weekend. Thanks for the advice given
  14. However for white spots there is nothing much tt I can do abt it unless I do hypo but I have shrimps inside the tank so tts out for me. I was thinking to feed food with galic guard and help them build up their health to let them naturally fight off the disease. I m not into adding medication to the main tank. Do u think tt it is ok? Meanwhile I guess I will just do water change this weekend.
  15. Ok.... I guess I will let my tank mature for one more mth before considering to add in any angels. I will add other fishes first. Are butterflies less sensitive??? Like the Rancoon and the treadfin??
  16. My tank is 3x2x2 tank with one blue tang, coral beauty, dottyback, 2 clown. Tts all for the moment. Ammonia is 0. Nitrite I did not test. Nitrate is 40. Temp abt 29, PH is 8.1 to 8.3. Sg 1.02. It is a FOWLR tank. Is it due to the topup of water, as I am using a fan, I have to top up abt 3 to 4 litres of water a day. I am using overnight water with seachem prime. However I have read tt many pple do topups like that to their fowlr tank but everything is ok. Hope to learn more. Thanks for all the inputs so far. Please keep it coming
  17. Actually, there is no slime on the fish, it's only white patches and the patches were there for at least 5 days. The patches come and go. That's why I found it weird and the fish is always looking for food. I am dosing bacteria becoz my tank is only one month old. It's not considered matured yet.
  18. Hi Lemon, I m not sure if the lfs copper the fish, as for malnutrition, I had been feeding it pellets formula 1 and 2. Mysis and nori seaweed. Then maybe it's brook. Is there any thing that I can do now. I am planning to do a 20 percent change of water by this weekend when I can go and buy water. I have been dozing bacteria once a week and az no3 on a daily basis. For now I had bought 2 kg of biohome and preparing to remove the coral chips slowly within a month. Please advise. Thanks for the quick inputs
  19. Hi pple, I got an emperor from a LFS about a week plus back. The fish was there for at least 3 weeks in the shop and suddenly it developed white patches on the body a few days after i put in my tank. It is not velvet Or whitespot as it was still happily eating for the past 5 days. Today when I woke up, the fish is dead. Can I know if any bros here have such experience? The fish was still eating well yesterday. What happened? Could it be cynaide taking effect??? The fish was from Philippines. PH was 8.3 like tt. NO3 was 40 ppm. SG 1.02. Is there any problem with my water? The rest of the fishes seem ok. Just got a bit of white spot. Due to new environment. Please advise.
  20. Tts great, I guess I will go for the Asfur instead of the majestic or blueface. Any idea if I should put in the Emperor or the Asfur first? Ok, I have finally finalized my fish list, will start to change water this weekend and start to stock up one fish a week.
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