hi to all bro and sis
After many years in freshwater world, finally plan to go into the darkside of marine. ( hahaha, told by other)
but i am limited as i can only spent around 100+ for the whole setup. So i going to reuse my 24' x 12' x 18' tank with 6mm thickness for the first time.
With that amount of money i cannot get a sump tank, and the tank is too small to DIY into a IOS tank.
So went down to Yishun fish shop to check out what i can get and was told i can use a cannister for my nano tank ( FOWLR ).
Problem is,
i can get a cannister (cheap ones) but what is the flow rate i should look out for?
Or can i use a HOB filiter for a nano tank like that?
Do i need a skimmer? (after reading, i think all will say YES),But what model should i get for that small tank?
Sorry, really new into marine.