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Everything posted by malmah

  1. Quoted: From Bro jackwongto lol... sound so familiar.... keke.... glad to know that I am not alone..... UNquoted: Bro Jacky, Yes, you are not alone. Frankly speaking, you should not be worst then me. fyi, for the last 10 years, 60% of my monthly salary had go to my CO account and she is still working. I'm sure all of you good fellows must be laughing and thinking what a werd guy I am. it been a long story and is not that I am womanizer or had done something wrong. But it a MUST. I just do a estimate sum up of the cost for setting up this 1.5 FT Cube Tank with LED Light, good Skimmer etc and it about $2,000. I think my CO will not give me this money to do it. Sighn. Have to think of other way. Rgds. malvin
  2. To: Mr Ray Thanks. will try. rgds. malvin
  3. To: Mod and Bro, Can anybody guide me how to PM to somebody and check my PM. Sorry totally out of touch, maybe getting old already. Thks/rgds. malvin P/S: If I had Post it in a Wrong Section, please forgive me.
  4. To: Bro Comycus Noted and thks. Appreciated. Rgds. malvin
  5. To: Bro Ray Noted and thanks for advise. Will do a search. Rgds. malvin
  6. Thanks Bro, Noted of your advise and agree, need to be very careful and lot of thinking before heading for it. Thanks for the welcome. Rgds. malvin
  7. Good Day Bros and Sis, I had kept 1.5 Ft (with IOS) simple Reef Tank on 2006 till 2008. And Stopped due to work required regular travel to Oversea. At the End of 2008, I started a new Job which do not require freguent travel till today. And on 1st Quarter of 2009, I started with 1.5 FT Freshwater CRS Tank (S to SS Grade), and so far quite happy with it. Few weeks ago, I started reading this Forum again and think of consider to re-start a Simple Reef Tank as I miss it quite much. My planning is to has a 1.5 FT Cube Tank with Sump as CO not approve for bigger than 1.5 FT. A pair of nice Clown Fishs, if possible a Anemone, one to two Cleaner Shrimps, some light Mushrooms, Tube worms, that all. Appreciated, Bro and Sis here do give me some advise. 1) Changing water - I am staying in Jurong (West), is there any LFS around the West, which I can easily purchase pre-make Seawater. Or, is there any Brand of Sea Salt easy to mix/dilute? I remember during last time buying Seawater from the LFS in West Coast, but notice is no longer there. 2) Light - I notice LED Light are getting popular and easy. Consider my above Set up, what LED Light is suitable? 3) Skimmer - is Tunze 9002 is ok for a 1.5 FT Cube Tank (approx: 72 ltrs) and Sump Tank (approx: 40 ltrs). 4) Live Sand - any recomendation and advise? 5) Chiller - I still have this Artica DB50 (1/15hp) with me, it is ok for 1.5 FT Cube Tank? 6) General Maintenance - beside weekly water change, what supplement/elements do I has to take note? I apologise for any inconvenience cause. Thks/rgds. malvin
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