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Everything posted by stephen78

  1. Not sure he is feeding at lfs. I have just try out the seaweed and mysis still dun eat. No choice really have to let him just nibbling on the rock as he aways doing.
  2. He will come near to the brine shrimp and pellet when i was feeding it. He will just take a close look and swim off.
  3. Hi, which shop is selling the seaweed will go buy later and try it out.
  4. Hi guys, my kole tang is not eating since i but it 1week ago. Have try brim shrimp and pellet food. And also try soak wif garlic guard. Now it getting skinny everyday. What should i do?
  5. Hi i got a black black fiberglass tank not in use. But size is 3×2×1 no cover type. Whatsapp me at 98539024 if u wan it.
  6. Hi, any guys know where can i get auto top-up water for the sump tank use?
  7. Hi guys, need help on this. My zoas infest with hair algae what should i do to clear it away?
  8. Ok Thks guys for the info will use the pipe method.Is there any Specific sand to be use?☺
  9. Hi, can anyone advise that am i able to add in sand into my nano tank? Currently wif bare bottom for 1 year plus. Now feel like putting sand bed. which sand will be better and how am i going to put into the tank? ☺
  10. Hi,any advise on how to get rid of them? Found that it start getting more.
  11. Better catch it out. I personel saw it grab my death purple zoas and eat.
  12. Use to have tis in my tank last time too. But now cant see any of it now anymore. Think should be safe. But just to be safe keep a look out on it. ☺
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