Going to move house in few years time. Wanted to start decom tank now as not in future plan.
Viewing at sengkang. Opposite mrt station.
All item u can see in picture, including live stock and equipment.
Price looking at 600sgd for all (tank, cabinet,equipment,livestock)
Tank by N30 3ft x 1ft x 2ft - aug 2011
Canbinet height 2.5ft
2 wave makers
1 dymax xp30 mini skimmer - without pump. Can buy outside (PH600) at 10 to 12 sgd
1 Hailea chiller HS-28A - 2 to 3 years old
1 x 3ft aquazonic white/blue led light
2 x 50cm pro Z all blue led lights
1 black sea cumcuber
3 baggai
2 clownfish - 1 true 1 false
1 foxface
1 bubble coral
1 mini bubble coral
2 supersun coral
1 toadstool coral
2 candy coral
2 poly coral
1 unknown soft coral
Please come and view 1st before deciding.
Contact me @ nine1nine18929
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