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Everything posted by poh34

  1. The snail description as above link. This is a very useful method. Cheap snail. 3 for 5 dollars. I no need to scrub it. It will become worse as the alage will float all over my tank.
  2. http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/prod_display.cfm?c=497+526+1755&pcatid=1755
  3. Up for sale again. Blue black hermit for 5 dollars.
  4. Is it. U might b correct cos i never ask the shop. My mistake. Anyway as i mentioned to the bro who reserved it. Red one is missing. So only selling the blue black one for 5 dollars.
  5. Weekend finally managed to go pinncale. First time after many years of reefing. Spend lots of money (imo), got 6 corals at one go. Of cos, brought my wife n children along. Never underestimate the bargaining power of ur wife. 'Solid!' First time trying brain n candy coral. All the best. Must maintain my routine weekly water change. My tank also become mixed reef tank.
  6. 2 weeks on. Very good progress by my snail. 70%cleared. Just that have to constantly shift back the snail to the surface i want to clean.
  7. Will give extra sea shell. Both with me for more than 4 months.
  8. One eye blue black zebra hermit. Red scralet hermit . Both for 12. Sms to 91918929. Collect at sengkang mrt
  9. Dont know theres a frag room there. Should visit this weekend early morning....
  10. Starting to get sps poison. Still looking for more easy sps frags. Pm me if u have good offer. Thks
  11. Sorry. No time to go farm last week. Asking simliar item again. Fire shrimp, peppermint shrimp,common candy coral, common brain coral, bubble coral. Thanks. Preferably in the east side.
  12. Fts. Today did an experiment. Put a commando snail at my skimner. Let see how long it take to clear all the brown aglae. Looking good. Some patches cleared immediately.
  13. Looking for cerith snail. Peppermint shrimp. Fire shrimp. Any one know which lfs have...
  14. New rock in. Think of putting bubbles n maybe hammer at the 2 'leaves'. Weekend no budget.... only add in common feather duster.... cfo is going to invest more corals. ... where is the best place? Mayb try pasir ris. More farms there. N never go to pinninacle before.... for all these years..... Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk
  15. Bought the toadstool coral. Thought it is just some dead part of rock. Then realised its pores are starting to appear. Its pink n hard. Is it sps? Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk
  16. It open up 80%. Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk
  17. I put them high flow n high light. Open big big. So i assume already settled down. Then suddenly closed up yesterday. Dont know why. Hope it open up again later when i reach home.
  18. What if it open up fully initially then closed up? Is that normal? Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk
  19. Use acrylic better imo.
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