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Everything posted by fatbike

  1. fatbike

    WTT Zoas

    kk sure thx bro. i c if i can shoot the pic of frag too, abut of blind spot
  2. fatbike

    WTT Zoas

    hi bro, still cant seem to resist ur zoas, lol trying luck, c if u interested in any of dis bout 8-12 polyps frag bout 8-12 polyp oso
  3. update frag A left 2 frag B left 2
  4. Lol dun like dat say me leh, juz like fluffy little flowers oni, haha Collection not really alot, juz afew dats nice oni... Sad
  5. hi bros, time to trim some extra zoas to make space *frag A $20, farg B $20 *collection at woolands *3 frags each type(bout 6-12 polyps/frag)din really count *sms oni as i mite miss ur reply or pm frag A frag B frag B looks like purple fusion but its not, can compare at my place during collection. cheers
  6. Nice strong colour n healthy zoas Upz 4 u bro
  7. Wa, wasted, bro u sure clearing?? Upz 4 u
  8. gotta go raid ur tank b4 u regain interest(which I tink mite b fast), muahaha Muz come bac o~~
  9. No~~~~~ y~~~~ y clearing bro?? Suddenly hibernate? Looks like gotta strike b4 ur coming post liao
  10. really pai seh bro, juz on light n waited 4 them to open here u go the pink 1 got another type together btw pics taken oni under mh 10k(yellow light) , abit of blue coming from another tank oni
  11. True, if I set up such nice tank, never wanna give up 1 hope u come back soon bro
  12. Omg!!!!! Wa every1 in dis forum all not working 1 ar? =.=''' anything left 4 me? 81839245 thank Q
  13. kk tot so too, the face colour more stronger nice nice
  14. many many to bro jack & btw ur bike is much fatter den my bike
  15. bro, ps, ur zoas not the 1 on the right rite? btw my no is 81839245, thx
  16. hi bro, interested in ur frag, heres a pic, any frag in the pics ok with me, oso got purple fusion
  17. Wa bro, u keep selling off mh arh, u got how many sets altogether? Haha upz 4 u bro
  18. thanks alot bro 4 ur zoas,
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